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A photo of Rebecca, a tutor from SUNY Empire State College


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I have enjoyed teaching children of all ages for my entire professional career. I have over 10 years of formal and informal teaching experience. I have experience teaching large groups (60+), but I enjoy teaching at the individual level the most. I also have over 10 years of tutoring experience in many different countries and in many different situations. I enjoy working one on one with students of all ages. I enjoy tutoring and helping my students to open their minds and understand the world around them. Teaching gives me a great deal of satisfaction and contentment. For this reason I have partnered with Varsity Tutors. I love helping students achieve their greatest potential. I obtain great satisfaction by observing their progress and seeing their confidence increase as they master new material. I love what I teach, and I try to pass that on to each and every one of my students.

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Rebecca’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: SUNY Empire State College - Bachelor in Arts, Liberal Arts

State Certified Teacher


photography, foreign languages, cooking, baking, swimming, tennis, travel

Tutoring Subjects

College English

Conversational Mandarin


English Grammar and Syntax


High School English


Mandarin Chinese

Mandarin Chinese 1



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