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A photo of Julianne, a tutor from City University of New York Queens College


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I am currently pursuing a BA in Applied Mathematics at CUNY Queens College where I tutor Corporate Finance and Environmental Science. I enjoy using Mathematics in my daily life and I believe that a true mark of understanding a material is being able to apply it to your reality.
One of the things that I enjoy about tutoring is seeing a smile on a client's face once he or she has understood the material that was presented. I believe that this is one of the true joys of teaching.

I have had several other experiences in being a tutor where I tutored lower school students while I was in High School and during my first undergraduate degree I tutored visually challenged classmates. Following the completion of my B.Sc in Economics I moved to Colombia where I became a Teaching Assistant in the Modern Language Department of the Universidad Surcolombiana.

In my free time, I enjoy reading, travelling, doing puzzles and watching telenovelas (Spanish Soap Operas).

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Julianne’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: City University of New York Queens College - Bachelor in Arts, Mathematics


travelling, reading and doing puzzles

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