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A photo of Chelsea, a tutor from Brigham Young University


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I am a graduate of Brigham Young University. I received my Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. Since graduating, I have tutored students privately amidst my growing family. My students ranged from fifth grade through high school. I love math. I'm a visual person so I love geometry for that reason. I love being able to draw a picture to help my students understand the concept we're working on. I am passionate about problem solving. I think it's amazing what you can discover with calculus, so I love helping students be a part of that discovery. I like to guide my students to the correct answer following their line of thinking. There are different ways to get to the same answer so I like to help them find the way that makes sense to them so they will understand and remember the principle. Aside from math, I love baking new desserts each week, running around with my kids, crafting anything, playing my violin and piano, and watching movies.

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Chelsea’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Brigham Young University - Bachelor of Science, Math Education/Mathematics

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 31

ACT English: 34

ACT Math: 34


Hiking, volleyball, running, movies, cooking, basketball

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