Get higher GMAT scores, guaranteed.
See why Varsity Tutors approach to GMAT test prep is proven to help students score higher, faster. Meet with expert tutors, learn from top live instructors, and achieve your highest possible score. And with a variety of start dates and times available, we’ve made it easier to fit test prep into your busy schedule.
Veritas Prep joins Varsity Tutors
Veritas Prep is proud to partner with Varsity Tutors to help you achieve your GMAT goals. Veritas Prep has been delivering best-in-class test preparation for over two decades, and our partnership with Varsity Tutors, the largest live online learning platform, ensures we can continue that legacy.

About Varsity Tutors
Since 2007, Varsity Tutors has delivered tutoring to over one million students on its proprietary and purpose-built Live Learning Platform. Through one-on-one instruction, small group classes, large format group classes, and adaptive self-study, Varsity Tutors connects highly qualified and vetted tutors to students in over 3,000 subjects including all K-12 subjects, test preparation, AP courses, world languages, college essay writing, and even support for college and graduate-level courses.

Our Partnership
Veritas Prep and Varsity Tutors have been sister companies since December 2018 and ultimately both became part of the Nerdy Inc. network of companies. After careful and thoughtful consideration about how to best operate these two Nerdy Inc. businesses, we decided to leverage the Varsity Tutors live learning platform to facilitate Veritas Prep’s mission of delivering best-in-class test preparation and admissions consulting services for high achieving applicants, something it has done for more than two decades. We discontinued Veritas Prep services on May 1st, 2022.