Certified Tutor
As a dedicated tutor with 7 years of experience, I specialize in helping students excel in subjects such as math, science, computer science, and English. I hold a master's degree in education and a background in computer science, which allows me to create personalized, engaging learning experiences. My goal is to empower students by building confidence and improving academic performance. Whether you need help mastering challenging concepts or preparing for exams, I am committed to helping you succeed in your studies.
Connect with a tutor like Elly
Undergraduate Degree: University of Iowa - Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
State Certified Teacher
Reading Writing Teaching Travelling
- ACCUPLACER Arithmetic
- ACCUPLACER ESL - Listening
- ACCUPLACER ESL - Reading Skills
- ACCUPLACER ESL - Sentence Meaning
- ACCUPLACER Language Use
- ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension
- ACCUPLACER Sentence Skills
- ACCUPLACER WritePlacer
- ACT Aspire
- ACT Writing
- Admissions
- Adult ESL/ELL
- Adult Literacy
- Advertising
- Aerospace Engineering
- AIMS Prep
- Analytical Chemistry
- Anthropology
- AP Computer Science A
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP Physics 2
- Archaeology
- Architecture
- Astrophysics
- ASVAB Prep
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics
- Biology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biostatistics
- Biotechnology
- Business
- Business Analytics
- Business Calculus
- Business Enterprise
- Business Ethics
- Business Statistics
- Business Writing
- CAHSEE English
- California Proficiency Program (CPP) Prep
- Cell Biology
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Chemistry 2
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Clinical Psychiatry
- CogAT Prep
- College and University Admissions
- College Application Essays
- College Business
- College Computer Science
- College Economics
- College English
- College Math
- College Physics
- Computer Science
- Contemporary Architecture
- Conversational French
- Corporate Finance
- Cost Accounting
- Cost Analysis
- Creative Writing
- Criminology
- Cryptocurrency
- Data Analysis
- Developmental Biology
- ECAA Prep
- Econometrics
- Economics
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Elementary School English
- Elementary School Reading
- Elementary School Writing
- Engineering
- Engineering Analysis
- Engineering Economics
- English
- English Grammar and Syntax
- Entertainment
- Erb Prep
- Essay Editing
- Ethics
- Evolutionary Biology
- Expository Writing
- FCAT 2.0 Prep
- Fiction Writing
- Florida EOC Assessment Prep
- Fluid Dynamics
- Fluid Mechanics
- French
- French 2
- French 3
- French 4
- GATE/ TAG Prep
- General Chemistry 2
- Genetic Engineering
- Government
- Graduate Test Prep
- GRE Analytical Writing
- HESI - Health Education Systems Incorporated Prep
- High School Business
- High School Computer Science
- High School Economics
- High School English
- High School Government
- High School Physics
- High School Reading
- High School Writing
- Human Resources
- IB Biology
- IB Business & Management
- IB Chemistry
- IB Computer Science
- IB Economics
- IB Extended Essay
- IB Philosophy
- IB Physics
- IB Social and Cultural Anthropology
- IB Theory of Knowledge
- Industrial Engineering
- International Business
- Introduction to Fiction
- ISASP - Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress Prep
- ISAT Prep
- Journalism
- Languages
- Linguistics
- Logic
- Management
- Management Information Systems
- Managerial Accounting
- Managerial Economics
- MAP Prep
- Marine Biology
- Marketing
- Materials Science
- Math
- Mechanical Engineering
- Microbiology
- Middle School English
- Middle School Reading
- Middle School Reading Comprehension
- Middle School Writing
- Minecraft
- Molecular Biology
- Neurobiology
- NNAT Prep
- Nuclear Chemistry
- OLSAT Prep
- Organic Chemistry 2
- Other
- PARCC Prep
- Personal Finance
- Philosophical Ethics
- Philosophy
- Phonics
- Physics
- Plant Biology
- Poetry
- Poetry
- Public Speaking
- Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Physics
- Quantum Theory
- Reading
- Roblox
- SCAT Exam Prep
- Science
- Social Sciences
- Social Studies
- Social Work
- Software Engineering
- Special & General Relativity
- Special Relativity
- Spelling Bee
- Statics and Dynamics
- String Theory
- Structural Engineering
- Supply Chain Management
- TACHS Prep
- TEAS Prep
- Technical Writing
- Technology and Coding
- Test Prep
- Thermochemistry
- Thermodynamics
- TOPS Prep
- Viral Content Creation
- WISC IV Prep
- WPPSI Prep
- Writing