Certified Tutor
I am currently in my 3rd year of Naturopathic Medical School, pursuing a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine as well as a Master's in Nutrition. I currently have a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Before starting medical school, I worked as a medical scribe and Anesthesia tech. I love teaching/tutoring students and figuring out the best way for each individual to learn.
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Undergraduate Degree: Le Moyne College - Bachelor of Science, Biology, General
Graduate Degree: University of Bridgeport - Doctor of Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine
Running, rock climbing, cooking, reading.
- Adult ESL/ELL
- Adult Literacy
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Art
- Biology
- Cell Biology
- Clinical Psychiatry
- College Application Essays
- College Biology
- College English
- College Math
- Creative Writing
- Developmental Biology
- Elementary School English
- Elementary School Math
- Elementary School Reading
- Elementary School Science
- Elementary School Writing
- Emergency Medicine
- English
- English Grammar and Syntax
- Essay Editing
- GED Prep
- GED Math
- GED Reasoning Through Language Arts
- GED Science
- Handwriting
- High School English
- High School Writing
- Histology
- Immunology
- Languages
- Math
- Medical Terminology
- Medicine
- Microbiology
- Microsoft Office
- Middle School English
- Middle School Math
- Middle School Reading
- Middle School Reading Comprehension
- Middle School Science
- Middle School Writing
- Molecular Biology
- Neurobiology
- Nutrition
- Other
- Pathology
- Pathophysiology
- Pharmacology
- Plant Biology
- Professional Certifications
- Public Health
- Russian
- Science
- Social Sciences
- Sociology
- Spelling Bee
- Study Skills
- Study Skills and Organization
- Technology and Coding
- Test Prep
- UK A Level Prep
- UK A Level Biology
- UK A Level English Language
- UK A Level English Literature
- UK A Level Environmental Studies
- UK A Level Mathematics
- UK A Level Russian
- Writing