Certified Tutor
I have a PhD, masters, and bachelors in educational psychology, which is the study of how people learn. My PhD included a concentration in educational neuroscience and a specialization in quantitative analysis. Additionally, my research focus for my doctorate was executive function development. With 10 years of experience in various subjects from kindergarten to graduate-level courses, I have a well-established record of teaching success.
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Undergraduate Degree: Mississippi State University - Bachelor of Science, Educational Psychology
Graduate Degree: The University of Alabama - Doctor of Philosophy, Educational Psychology
Graduate Degree: The University of Alabama - Doctor of Philosophy, Educational Psychology
Outside of school I enjoy working out and dancing.
- Academic Coaching
- Admissions
- Adobe Illustrator
- Algebra
- AP English Language and Composition
- AP Research
- Clinical Psychology
- College Application Essays
- College English
- College Level American Literature
- College Math
- College Statistics
- Conversational Spanish
- Creative Writing
- Data Management
- Digital Media
- Dissertation Writing
- Elementary School
- Elementary School English
- Elementary School Math
- Elementary School Reading
- Elementary School Writing
- Elementary Social Studies
- English
- English Grammar and Syntax
- EPPP - Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology
- Essay Editing
- Executive Functioning
- Grade 10 Math
- Grade 11 Math
- Grade 9 Mathematics
- Graduate Test Prep
- GRE Subject Test in Psychology
- GRE Subject Tests
- High School Level American Literature
- High School Writing
- Honors Algebra
- IB Psychology
- Languages
- Learning Differences
- Life Sciences
- Literature
- Math
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Office
- Middle School Math
- Middle School Reading
- Middle School Reading Comprehension
- Middle School Science
- Middle School Writing
- Photoshop
- Pre-Algebra
- Presentation Skills
- Productivity
- Professional Certifications
- Psychologies
- Psychology
- Public Speaking
- Reading
- Science
- Social Sciences
- Spanish
- Spanish 1
- Spanish 2
- Spanish 3
- Spanish 4
- Spelling Bee
- SPSS Statistic Software
- STAAR Grades 3-8 Prep
- Statistics Graduate Level
- Study Skills
- Study Skills and Organization
- Technology and Coding
- Test Prep
- Thesis Writing
- Writing