Certified Tutor
I tutor undergrad philosophy. I can help you study logic (S5, quantifier logic, etc), history of philosophy (ancient, medieval, enlightenment, modern), political philosophy (your Locke, Hobbes and Rawls, etc), philosophy of science (Bayesianism, positivism, etc). I can also tutor undergrad courses on Chinese philosophy (Ruism, Buddhism, Daoism)!
I'm confident tutoring K-12 math and physics. I'm also a native Mandarin speaker; I can help you or your children study Mandarin Chinese as well!
Learning makes life significant. It lets you see more of the world in finer details. Great learning eventually leads you to your own heart, your own unique human condition. Ponder on it; become an upstanding and useful person; make your life significant!
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Graduate Degree: State University of New York at New Paltz - Master of Philosophy, Philosophy
DJing Making electronic music Organizing community events Reading history and philosophy Carpentry CAD/CAM/CNC
- Adult ESL/ELL
- Algebra
- AP Chinese Language and Culture
- Audio Engineering
- Basic Computer Literacy
- Calculus
- Conversational Mandarin
- Creative Writing
- DJing
- Elementary School Math
- English
- Ethics
- Expository Writing
- High School English
- High School Physics
- IB Extended Essay
- IB Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches
- IB Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation
- IB Philosophy
- Languages
- Mandarin Chinese
- Math
- Middle School Math
- Middle School Science
- Music
- Other
- Philosophical Ethics
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Pre-Algebra
- Presentation Skills
- Probability
- SAT Prep
- SAT Math
- Science
- Social Sciences
- Study Skills
- Study Skills and Organization
- Test Prep
- UK A Level Prep
- UK A Level Philosophy
- Writing