Certified Tutor
I think that access to education is deeply important to every student and part of that access is having lessons personalized to each student. To teach well, a tutor has to find different ways to communicate concepts to different people.
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Undergraduate Degree: University of Florida - Bachelor in Arts, Art History, Criticism, and Conservation
- LSAT: 178
I enjoy challenging myself mentally and creatively. I play Sudoku, especially the odd variant versions. I also DM for Dungeons and Dragons with some close friends. I try to cycle and hike outdoor trails as much as I can.
- Algebra
- AP Art History
- College Physics
- Cooking
- Graduate Test Prep
- History
- LSAT Analytical Reasoning
- LSAT Argumentative Writing
- LSAT Logical Reasoning
- LSAT Reading Comprehension
- Math
- Other
- Physics
- Pre-Algebra
- SAT Prep
- SAT Essay
- SAT Math
- SAT Mathematics
- SAT Reading
- SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 1
- SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 2
- SAT Subject Test in World History
- SAT Subject Tests Prep
- SAT Verbal
- SAT Writing and Language
- Science
- Social Studies
- Test Prep