Certified Tutor
I believe in treating my students with the utmost respect and determine their learning styles from the first day.
I am committed to providing a learning environment that is both exciting and rigorous, yet empowers the student to achieve great success.
Learning should be rewarding but also fun!
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Undergraduate Degree: Illinois State University - Bachelor of Science, Liberal Arts and Sciences
Graduate Degree: National Louis University - Master of Science, Human Resources Development
traveling, skating, wellness training, reading, and teaching courses in entrepreneurship.
- Academic Coaching
- ACT Reading
- Adult Health and Wellness
- Advertising
- Business
- Business Ethics
- CLEP Prep
- CLEP Principles of Management
- CLEP Principles of Marketing
- College Business
- English
- High School Business
- Human Resources
- Marketing
- Other
- Public Speaking
- Social Networking
- Study Skills
- Technology and Coding
- Test Prep