Debra L
Certified Tutor
I believe every student can learn and that is why I enjoy tutoring. I am a life-long learner myself! I received my undergraduate degree in Social Studies 7-12 and a graduate degree in History and Education. I have taught for the past 25 years in a variety of settings, including public, private and homeschool co-ops. I have taught grade levels 6 through college. My teaching experience has included both in person and online. I coached basketball for several years as well. I enjoy helping others learn and would enjoy working with you to achieve your academic goals.
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Undergraduate Degree: Messiah College - Bachelor in Arts, Social Studies Teacher Education
Graduate Degree: Wilkes University - Master of Arts, Music History, Literature, and Theory
Traveling, Reading, Biking, Hiking, Swimming, Disc Golfing, Cats
- College Geography
- College World History
- Creative Writing
- English
- Fiction Writing
- Geography
- High School Geography
- High School World History
- High School Writing
- History
- Middle School Social Studies
- Middle School Writing
- Public Speaking
- Social Studies
- Writing