Certified Tutor
Hello! I am currently a student and researcher in the pediatric neurology department at Washington University in St. Louis and I have my undergraduate degree in biochemistry. I am Miss United States 2019 and am currently interviewing for medical school. My dream is to become an orthopedic surgeon and work for the NFL. My tutoring specialty is the ACT and SAT. I developed my own custom problem sets, practice tests and videos for my students. I teach knowledge, not tricks and I believe that consistent practice is the only way to achieve a high score. I often get students that score in the teens and I bring them up to the high 20s and up to the 30s. All of my students have significantly improved since working with me and notice at least a 4 point jump and often times students gain over a 10 point jump. I also am great at application essays especially the common app. I look forward to working with your child I connect well with student athletes, teens with ADHD, autism, and other non traditional learners like myself.
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Undergraduate Degree: University of Missouri-Columbia - Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry
Graduate Degree: Washington University in St Louis - Master of Science, Biochemistry
pageantry, golf, tennis, chess
- Academic Coaching
- ACT Prep
- ACT English
- ACT Math
- ACT Reading
- ACT Science
- ACT Writing
- Adult Literacy
- Algebra
- Algebra 2
- American Literature
- Anatomy & Physiology
- AP Research
- Art
- Biology
- Cell Biology
- Chemistry
- College Application Essays
- College Biology
- College Chemistry
- College English
- College Level American Literature
- College Math
- Competition Math
- Elementary School English
- Elementary School Math
- Elementary School Reading
- Elementary School Writing
- English
- English Grammar and Syntax
- Essay Editing
- Executive Functioning
- Fiction Writing
- GED Prep
- GED Math
- GED Reasoning Through Language Arts
- GED Science
- GED Social Studies
- Geometry
- Graduate Test Prep
- GRE Analytical Writing
- GRE Quantitative
- GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology
- GRE Subject Test in Mathematics
- GRE Subject Tests
- Handwriting
- High School Biology
- High School Chemistry
- High School English
- High School Level American Literature
- High School Writing
- IB Biology
- IB Chemistry
- Learning Differences
- Life Sciences
- Math
- Microbiology
- Middle School English
- Middle School Math
- Middle School Reading
- Middle School Reading Comprehension
- Middle School Writing
- Nutrition
- Other
- Physical Chemistry
- PSAT Prep
- Public Speaking
- SAT Prep
- SAT Math
- SAT Writing and Language
- Science
- Special Education
- Study Skills
- Study Skills and Organization
- Test Prep
- Virology
- Writing