Coding in Python (Grades 6-8)
Grades 6-8
Ready to dive into the world of computer science? Python is the perfect entry point for young coders looking to get started on their coding journeys or experienced coders looking to expand their skillsets. These one-month courses will take students on deep dives into a rotating cast of subjects, from conditionals to iteration to arrays.
Here’s a Sample of our Monthly Themes:
January: Variables, Strings, and Conditionals. Start off your programming journey by learning about using the fundamentals: variables, strings, and conditionals. This month you’ll learn how to return information to users based on their inputs, and how to adapt what your program returns based on what your user says
February: Iteration and Functions. This month is all about functions – pieces of code that you can run many times to do a repetitive task – and iteration – going through a set of instructions for a set number of times. Then use these tools to create your own Sudoku solver that can crack even the toughest puzzles
March: Arrays, dictionaries, and using external files. The name of the game this month is matrices. You’ll learn how to manipulate and use arrays and dictionaries, as well as how to create arrays and dictionaries through the use of outside file-formats like.csv
April: Sorting algorithms. Much of modern programming is based on creating effective algorithms to sort massive amounts of data. This month you’ll learn some of the approaches to sorting and cleaning data and apply that knowledge to real-world problems and data sets
May: Design and Project Planning. Use Scope to build a small project using the skills you’ve learned in Python – or learn as you go! This month takes you through the software design process from scoping to designing interactions to debugging your final project
Live Group Classes Include:
Live course instruction where you’ll meet face-to-face with your instructor and fellow students in a virtual classroom
Interactive and collaborative sessions where students learn course-specific lessons as a group
An expert instructor and an immersive learning experience in a class with limited seating
Class content is purpose built for drop-in or ongoing attendance
This class is currently full.
More dates and times added regularly. Check back soon.
About Small Group Classes
Personalized Instruction
Small classes allow the instructor to give individualized attention to each student.
Customized Curriculum and Learning
Class content and pacing is tailored to the interests and needs of the students.
Collaborative Experiences
Student-to-student collaboration fosters deeper learning and engagement.