Certified Tutor
I have been passionate about teaching students ever since my four-year degree when I was selected to tutor my peers in various subjects. At that time, students would come to me crying, and by the end of the session they would leave with a smile on their faces. Ever since then, I decided that my calling was to be a tutor and/or teacher. In addition to tutoring my peers for four years, I later obtained my Ph.D. and began teaching students at 4-year degree colleges.
As far as my credentials, I received all my degrees here in Iowa. My degrees include a B.A., M.A., and a Ph.D. in accounting. I have also completed the Certified Public Accounting examination and hold various other certifications in taxation. As such, I tutor financial accounting and taxation. Those also happen to be my favorite subjects to teach. The reason is that with taxation there is always something new to learn and teach. The reason for the love of tutoring financial accounting is because we use it everyday whether we realize it or not.
My teaching philosophy is to work along side students and explain the why instead of just lecturing. I always tell my students, it should make sense and if it doesn't then they should ask as many questions to grasp the material. In addition, I always utilize real world examples and problems.
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Degree: Northwestern University - Professional (JD, MD, DMD, etc), Accounting
My hobbies and interests included, but are not limited to, drawing, computers, wood-working, bicycles, and computers.
- Accounting
- Art
- Basic Computer Literacy
- Business
- Chess
- CLEP Prep
- CLEP Financial Accounting
- College Math
- College Statistics
- Data Analysis
- Drawing
- Electronics
- Financial Accounting
- High School Accounting
- Math
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Word
- Other
- Productivity
- Science
- Study Skills
- Study Skills and Organization
- Technology and Coding
- Test Prep
- Visual Arts