Certified Tutor
Prior to being a homeschooling mom, I was a classroom teacher and consultant specializing in early childhood special education. Tutoring/teaching English and reading allows me to continue sharing my love of learning with others while maintaining the flexibility to homeschool my son.
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Undergraduate Degree: Iowa State University - Bachelor of Science, Early Childhood Special Education
Graduate Degree: Drake University - Master of Science, Education
I'm a stay-at-home mom to a 7-year-old boy and two dogs. We are a homeschooling duo; when we are not homeschooling, we enjoy being outdoors, hiking, fishing, paddle boarding, and camping.
- Elementary School
- Elementary School English
- Elementary School Math
- Elementary School Reading
- Elementary School Writing
- English
- Executive Functioning
- Learning Differences
- Math
- Other
- Phonics
- Professional Certifications
- Reading
- Special Education
- TEFL - Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- Writing