Phyllis M.
Certified Tutor
I believe that everyone can learn, and it is an instructor's responsibility to find a means in which to make learning happen for each individual, regardless of their physical, mental or emotional capabilities, race, ethnicity, or religious background, income, gender, or sexual orientation or identification. I believe that learning is conditional upon one's learning style or modality; upon individual instructional tools and strategies implemented by an instructor, and upon individual learning interests, needs, or goals. I also believe that best learning happens when teachers form trusting relationships with their students, where learning and developing are the goals, and where encouragement and contribution is another goal. My personal beliefs about learning and instruction stem from an extensive background in the field of education, at all levels of learning, from elementary to middle school, and from high school to college. In fact, I've taught public school as an English teacher and reading specialist for 33 years; worked as an adjunct professor in the fields of education and business for 12 years, and I've worked as a certified tutor and educational consultant for a number of years. During that time, I've earned a BA degree in English, Master degrees in reading, curriculum and instruction, and several educational certifications in advanced literature, journalism, and free-lance writing. I pride myself in making connections with my students by demonstrating my knowledge in a subject area; my passion for teaching and learning, and my willingness to seek sources and provide immediate resources that enable learning to take place on a continuum. I know that everyone learns differently and that interests in learning are also different, from one individual to the next. My goal here is to be a bridge between what a student struggles with and what he or she needs to know in order to be successful and meet his or her learning goal. Therefore, I look forward to working with you as a Varsity Tutor and hope that you will continue the tutoring process with me until your learning goals have been met.
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Undergraduate Degree: Central State University - Bachelor in Arts, English
Graduate Degree: Cleveland State University - Masters in Education, Education
singing, music, reading, writing, theater, movies, exercising, and church, family, and friends
- Adult Literacy
- American Literature
- British Literature
- College English
- College Level American Literature
- MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills
- English
- English Grammar and Syntax
- Essay Editing
- Expository Writing
- GMAT Analytical Writing Assessment
- GMAT Integrated Reasoning
- GMAT Verbal
- Graduate Test Prep
- High School English
- High School Level American Literature
- High School Writing
- Middle School Reading
- Middle School Reading Comprehension
- OAE - Ohio Assessments for Educators
- Phonics
- PRAXIS Early Childhood
- PRAXIS Elementary School
- PRAXIS Reading
- PRAXIS Writing
- Professional Certifications
- Public Speaking
- RICA - Reading Instruction Competence Assessment
- Writing