Certified Tutor
I am a great tutor because I believe every student can be successful. My philosophy is that of a coach or mentor. I help students become the best they can through encouragement.
I am also a great tutor because of my vast knowledge of mathematics and experience teaching and tutoring math. I have been teaching and tutoring math for all of my life beginning at the Math Lab when I was an undergrad. Since then I have taught at Tidewater Community College and Bayside HS, all levels of math from Algebra I through Calculus and Differential Equations.
My students at Bayside HS passed the SOL's at a rate of 96% and I have high success rates in my courses at Tidewater Community College. I teach using all modalities; in class, hybrid, and online but I prefer teaching online. I also hold online office hours so I am very familiar with tutoring using web conferencing.
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Undergraduate Degree: Christopher Newport University - Bachelor in Arts, Applied Mathematics
Graduate Degree: Old Dominion University - Master of Science, Computational and Applied Mathematics
Animals, football, music (classical and pop), and anything involving math