Certified Tutor
With a strong background in STEM fields and numerous years of tutoring experience, I have the experience and motivation to help you succeed in the way that works best for you! I understand that students have a range of interests, strengths, and more that may add to their educational journey and want to ensure that regardless, you will meet your education goals!
Connect with a tutor like Ambika
Education & Certification
Undergraduate Degree: University of Toledo - Bachelor of Science, Biological/Biosystems Engineering
reading, writing, music (singing, instruments), education equity
Tutoring Subjects
- ACT Aspire
- ACT Writing
- Admissions
- Adult ESL/ELL
- Adult Literacy
- Agricultural Science
- Analytical Chemistry
- Anthropology
- AP Biology
- AP Physics 2
- Archaeology
- Architecture
- Astrophysics
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics
- Biology
- Biomechanics
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biostatistics
- Biotechnology
- British Literature
- Cardiology
- Cell Biology
- Chemistry
- Chemistry 2
- Clinical Psychiatry
- College and University Admissions
- College Application Essays
- College English
- College Level American Literature
- College Physics
- Comparative Literature
- Contemporary Architecture
- Cosmology
- Creative Writing
- Criminology
- Developmental Biology
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Electronics
- Elementary School English
- Elementary School Science
- Elementary School Writing
- Emergency Medicine
- Endocrinology
- Engineering
- English
- English Grammar and Syntax
- Entomology
- Epidemiology
- Essay Editing
- Ethics
- Evolutionary Biology
- Expository Writing
- Fiction Writing
- Fluid Dynamics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Gastroenterology
- General Chemistry 2
- Genetic Engineering
- Health Care Administration
- Health Care Policy
- Heat Transfer
- High School English
- High School Level American Literature
- High School Physics
- High School Science
- High School Writing
- Histology
- Human Development
- IB Biology
- IB Chemistry
- IB Extended Essay
- IB Literature and Performance
- IB Philosophy
- IB Physics
- IB Social and Cultural Anthropology
- IB Theory of Knowledge
- Immunology
- Introduction to Fiction
- Journalism
- Kinesiology
- Linguistics
- Literature
- Marine Biology
- Materials Science
- Medical Ethics
- Medical Surgery
- Medical Terminology
- Medicine
- Medieval Literature
- Microbiology
- Middle School English
- Middle School Science
- Middle School Writing
- Molecular Biology
- Molecular Genetics
- Neurobiology
- Neuroscience
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Nursing
- Nutrition
- Organic Chemistry 2
- Other
- Paleontology
- Pathology
- Pathophysiology
- Pharmacology
- Philosophical Ethics
- Phonics
- Physical Science
- Physics
- Physics 2
- Plant Biology
- Poetry
- Poetry
- Public Health
- Public Speaking
- Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Physics
- Quantum Theory
- Robotics
- SAT Subject Test in Chinese with Listening
- SAT Subject Test in German with Listening
- SAT Subject Test in Italian with Listening
- SAT Subject Test in Japanese with Listening
- SAT Subject Test in Korean with Listening
- SAT Subject Test in Latin
- SAT Subject Test in Modern Hebrew
- SAT Subject Test in Physics
- SAT Subject Test in Spanish with Listening
- SAT Subject Tests Prep
- Science
- Science Olympiad
- Social Sciences
- Social Work
- Special & General Relativity
- Special Relativity
- Spelling Bee
- Sports, Exercise and Health Science
- Statics
- STEAM Innovation
- String Theory
- Technical Writing
- Test Prep
- Thermochemistry
- Thermodynamics
- Viral Content Creation
- Virology
- World Literature
- Writing
- Zoology
Call us today to connect with a tutor like Ambika
0203 322 9665