Certified Tutor
As a teacher or tutor, my passion for learning and education has been deeply ingrained since childhood. Growing up in a family of authors and educators, I was nurtured in the art of reading, studying, and imagination. The values of higher education and continuous learning have always been part of my family's culture.
Inspired by great teachers, leaders, and mentors, I aspire to impact others through education positively. I believe that learning is the foundation of personal and professional growth and brings happiness and fulfillment to my life. As I embrace the role of a student of life and learning, I find that the more I know, the more I realize there is still so much to explore.
As an adjunct college professor, accountant, bookkeeper, and business coach, I have experienced the joy of sharing knowledge with others and witnessing the "light bulb" moments when understanding dawns on my clients. These interactions benefit them and fuel my motivation to be the best educator and motivator I can be. I take pride in engaging with my clients, showing genuine care and interest in their goals, and fostering a learning environment that encourages growth and innovation.
I aim to create a culture of excellence, communication, and client satisfaction, fostering long-term relationships with those I serve. By continuously seeking new knowledge and experiences, I strive to set myself apart as a dedicated teacher and leader in my field. Education is a career for me and a way of life, and I am committed to making a difference through my passion for learning and teaching.
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Graduate Degree: Walden University - Doctor of Philosophy, Industrial and Organizational Psychology
State Certified Teacher
Reading, writing, scuba diving, hiking, and survival bushcraft. Gardening, and raising my chickens
- Academic Coaching
- Accounting
- ACT Math
- Adult Health and Wellness
- Algebra
- AP French Language and Culture
- AP Microeconomics
- AP Psychology
- Business
- Business Writing
- Clinical Psychology
- College Math
- Conversational French
- Economics
- EPPP - Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology
- Finance
- Financial Accounting
- French
- High School Accounting
- High School Business
- High School Economics
- Languages
- Managerial Accounting
- Math
- Other
- Personal Finance
- Professional Certifications
- Psychologies
- Psychology
- Social Sciences
- Study Skills
- Study Skills and Organization
- Test Prep
- UK A Level Prep
- UK A Level Thinking Skills