Certified Tutor
I am committed to tutoring my students and will learn each and every student's way of learning to help them succeed.
Connect with a tutor like Kayleen
Education & Certification
Undergraduate Degree: University of Louisville - Bachelor of Fine Arts, Interior Architecture
Tennis, Drawing, Art, Music
Tutoring Subjects
- Adobe Illustrator
- Algebra
- AP Studio Art: 2-D Design
- AP Studio Art: 3-D Design
- Art
- AutoCAD
- Autodesk Revit
- College Application Essays
- Computer Architecture
- Drawing
- Elementary School
- Elementary School English
- Elementary School Math
- Elementary School Science
- Elementary School Writing
- English
- GED Prep
- GED Math
- GED Reasoning Through Language Arts
- GED Science
- GED Social Studies
- Geometry
- High School English
- High School Writing
- IB Biology
- IB Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches
- IB Visual Arts
- Math
- Middle School
- Middle School English
- Middle School Math
- Middle School Reading
- Middle School Reading Comprehension
- Middle School Science
- Middle School Writing
- Music
- Other
- Photoshop
- Pre-Algebra
- Productivity
- Rhino
- Science
- Sketchup
- Study Skills
- Study Skills and Organization
- Technology and Coding
- Test Prep
- Urban Design and Development
- Voice
- Writing
Call us today to connect with a tutor like Kayleen
0203 322 9665