Certified Tutor
As a healthcare provider for over thirty years, I have given hundreds of professional speeches on health, wellness, and several other topics. When I begin to teach a student to be a better public speaker it is imperative to start with the basics like proper body language and voice projection to help them overcome any shyness or nerves. The first tutoring session will focus on the student polishing their current skills as a public speaker in their field. If they have little or no experience in public speaking, I will have them pick a subject they love doing or learning about and they will do a short talk next week. Either way I will give the student the right tools for their personality and style of speaking. Many people have the skills, but they just have to overcome their fears of standing in front of their class or their coworkers. The second and follow-up sessions the student gives a short 2-4 minute talk or longer live to me. I will critique the speech and use positive reinforcement techniques to bolster his or her confidence. As they show improvement in their public speaking abilities, we will use additional tools to help them gain confidence and remove the shortcomings that are holding them back. All the while letting the student know this is a process that will take some time for improvement. No one gets it overnight. I have had opportunities teaching adolescents, teens and adults. I love the challenge of watching the students blossom. All types of kids and adults are welcome whether it is a problem understanding their accent or other barriers. Someone was their to polish my public speaking skills and I want to be there for you.
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Undergraduate Degree: Nassau Community College - Associate in Science, Prechiropractic Studies
Undergraduate Degree: New York Chiropractic College - Bachelor of Science, Chiropractic (DC)
Exercise, reading, and watching sports.