Certified Tutor
For me, learning has always been a lifelong pursuit. I have always been fascinated by the world around me. I started college when I was 16, and I started tutoring at the local university when I was a senior in high school. Since that time, I have been a tutor for 5 years and have tutored hundreds of students.
When I work with students, I focus on the reasoning of why we do specific problems instead of just assisting them with memorization of the topic. This has proven to be highly effective, and the vast majority of students that I have worked with experience a drastic increase of both their grades and understanding of the subject we are working on together.
Some of my accomplishments are a 3.98 at Dixie State University with 96 credits (including classes such as and including organic chemistry, biochemistry, multivariable calculus, and differential equations); 1st place in Southwest Utah Region Science Sterling Scholar (out of 17 high schools in 5 counties);Air-Force award for science and math (2 students including myself recognized for this honor in my high school graduating class of about 330), and the first student in the history of my high school to take college organic chemistry (and I had the 2nd highest grade on a class of 65). I was also awarded the Economics Student of the semester at my university for fall 2017.
I love doing anything outdoors, especially mountain biking, hiking, camping, backpacking, climbing, and canyoneering.
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Undergraduate Degree: Dixie State College of Utah - Bachelor of Science, Chemistry
- ACT Composite: 33
- ACT English: 32
- ACT Math: 36
- ACT Reading: 31
- ACT Science: 33
hiking, reading, camping, canyoneering, climbing, mountain biking, basketball, photography
- Academic Coaching
- ACT English
- ACT Math
- ACT Science
- Algebra
- AP English Language and Composition
- AP Human Geography
- Business
- Business Calculus
- Calculus
- Calculus 2
- Calculus 3
- CLEP Prep
- CLEP American Government
- CLEP Calculus
- CLEP Chemistry
- CLEP College Algebra
- CLEP College Mathematics
- CLEP Humanities
- CLEP Precalculus
- Clinical Psychology
- College Algebra
- College Application Essays
- College Economics
- College English
- College Math
- College Physics
- COMPASS Mathematics
- Economics
- Elementary School Reading
- Elementary School Science
- English
- English Grammar and Syntax
- Essay Editing
- Expository Writing
- Geometry
- High School Physics
- Inorganic Chemistry
- ISEE Prep
- ISEE-Middle Level Mathematics Achievement
- Math
- Middle School Math
- Middle School Science
- Organic Chemistry
- Other
- Physics
- Pre-Algebra
- Pre-Calculus
- SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 1
- SAT Subject Tests Prep
- Science
- Social Sciences
- Social Studies
- SSAT Prep
- SSAT- Upper Level
- Study Skills
- Test Prep
- Trigonometry