Certified Tutor
Knowledgeable, calm and easy-going tutor
I am currently in my first year of medicine. I set an unparalleled standard to which few other tutors can compare to due to my vast experience of teaching. At the same time I can easily relate to my students, providing a perfect balance for learning.
I am very knowledgeable in Maths (GCSE,A level), Science (GCSE, A level) and English (GCSE). I can also tutor Business studies and ICT. I am CRB check approved.
My approach varies depending on the student's needs and learning style. However my teaching philosophy is based on encouraging students to think for themselves, using real-world examples wherever possible. I start from topics the students are comfortable with and move gradually towards more complex areas as their confidence builds. I use questions and examples to check understanding continually.
I usually focus on exam-style or past paper questions in order to check, practice and perfect the student's understanding and technique. I also give a lot of emphasis to some of the less obvious but vital skills such as essay structure and technique, logical thought, and the effective use of numbers and graphs.
I believe passionately in the huge value of tutoring to students and take great satisfaction in seeing my students achieve their full potential.
My aim as a tutor is to create in my students a deep understanding and confidence in answering exam questions and being able to tackle new and unfamiliar problems. My philosophy is based on the idea that learning happens in an environment of mutual respect in which the student is encouraged to think and make new connections for themselves. My experience has been that one-to-one personal tuition has a unique value to students because of the ability to resolve the students' personal barriers to learning in a way that lays the foundations for a deep and lasting understanding of the subject.
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Graduate Degree: University oF-Bradford - Master of Science, Pharmacy
- AP Chemistry
- Chemistry
- High School Chemistry
- Middle School Science
- Science
- Test Prep
- UK A Level Prep
- UK A Level Biology
- UK A Level Chemistry
- UK A Level Mathematics
- UK A Level Psychology
- UK GCSE Prep
- UK GCSE Biology
- UK GCSE Chemistry
- UK GCSE Combined Science
- UK GCSE Mathematics
- UK GCSE Psychology