Certified Tutor
I am a fourth year student at Brown University. I am currently pursuing my Bachelors of Arts in Anthropology. I enjoy reading, writing, traveling and cooking. I have worked at multiple tutoring organizations and while I teach all age groups, I am very passionate about teaching younger children. I enjoy coming up with creative ways to make learning fun for children. This passion stems from teaching my 8 year old sister. I tutor a broad range of subjects but I am especially passionate about math, English and essay writing. As a writer myself, I understand the importance of developing proficient writing skills and I am passionate about helping students develop a interest in the art form that is writing. I like to come up with ways to make learning fun for students. I understand that some subjects are frustrating for students and tutoring can sound like more school and does not always sound like fun. I believe that if a student is relaxed and excited for a tutoring session, they learn a lot more and are more engaged in the lesson. Especially with test prep for standardized exams, which can be a lot of pressure for students, I like to come up with individualized test-taking strategies for each student I tutor. If I can help a student feel more self-confident and self-assured about their classes and exams, then I am doing my job right.
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Undergraduate Degree: Brown University - Current Undergrad, Anthropology
- SAT Verbal: 700
- SAT Writing: 710
Writing fiction, cooking
- Algebra
- College Application Essays
- Creative Writing
- Elementary School
- Elementary School Math
- Elementary School Reading
- Elementary School Science
- Elementary School Writing
- English
- Essay Editing
- High School English
- High School Writing
- ISEE Prep
- ISEE- Lower Level
- ISEE- Middle Level
- ISEE-Lower Level Mathematics Achievement
- ISEE-Lower Level Quantitative Reasoning
- Math
- Middle School Reading
- Middle School Reading Comprehension
- Middle School Writing
- Other
- Pre-Algebra
- PSAT Critical Reading
- PSAT Writing Skills
- SAT Reading
- Science
- Test Prep
- Writing
What is your teaching philosophy?
I like to meet students where they are rather than indulge pre-conceived notions of where they should be. I also like to relate lessons to the real world and things students care about. Being a student myself, I understand how boring it can be trying to learn something in a completely abstract manner. If I can relate something, no matter what it is, to the real world or twist it into a fun activity, I do that. Learning does not have to be hard or boring; it's all a matter of perspective and creativity.
What might you do in a typical first session with a student?
I like to get to know students first. What works for one student might not work for another. I like to spend some time during the first session understanding how the student learns and how I can make the lesson more enjoyable.