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Example Questions
Example Question #3861 : Sat Writing
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English. One of the answer choices reproduces the underlined portion as it is written in the sentence.
Many Americans unaware of the historical circumstances, did not understand the President's reference to the Revolutionary War.
Many Americans being unaware of the historical circumstances,
Many Americans, unaware of the historical circumstances,
Many Americans' unaware of the historical circumstances,
Many Americans unaware of the historical circumstances,
Many Americans unaware of the historical circumstances
Many Americans, unaware of the historical circumstances,
In the sentence, the phrase "unaware of the historical circumstances" is an interrupting phrase, or a phrase that provides information but is not a necessary component of the complete sentence. Such clauses always need to be set apart from the rest of the sentence by commas. Thus, "Many Americans, unaware of the historical circumstances," is the correct answer choice.
Example Question #722 : Act English
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English. One of the answer choices reproduces the underlined portion as it is written in the sentence.
Francine the band's lead singer was late to the concert because she got stuck in traffic.
Francine the band's lead singer were late
Francine the bands lead singer was late
Francine, the band's lead singer was late
Francine who was the band's lead singer also happened to be late
Francine, the band's lead singer, was late
Francine, the band's lead singer, was late
The phrase "the band's lead singer" is an appositive phrase; it renames the subject (here, "Francine") and provides additional information about the subject. In this case, the phrase "the band's lead singer" could be removed from the sentence without changing its meaning, so it needs to be surrounded by commas.
Example Question #71 : Correcting Punctuation Errors
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The boys in the band as disputatious as ever, refused to board the bus until they were paid.
The boys' in the band as disputatious as ever,
The boys in the band as disputatious, as ever,
The boys in the band, as disputatious as ever,
The boys in the band as disputatious as ever
The boys in the band as disputatious as ever,
The boys in the band, as disputatious as ever,
The phrase "as disputatious as ever" is a non-restrictive interrupting phrase, or a phrase that provides extra information and is not necessary to the meaning of the sentence. Any such phrase must be set apart from the rest of the sentence by commas. As such, "The boys in the band, as disputatious as ever," is the correct answer.
Example Question #723 : Act English
Frequently students wish they did not have to take as many required courses.
Frequent, students
Frequent students
Frequently students
Frequently, students
Frequently students'
Frequently, students
The word "Frequently" in the sentence is used as an adverb describing the actions of the students; therefore, it must be set apart from the rest of the sentence, and "students" in particular, to work as an introductory phrase. "Frequently, students" is the correct answer.
Example Question #1691 : Improving Sentences
Day by day fewer people emerged from the countryside to attend the fair in the village.
Fewer day by day
Fewer, day by day
Day, by day fewer
Day by day, fewer
Day, by day, fewer
Day by day, fewer
The phrase "day by day" is used in the sentence as an introductory phrase, modifying the meaning of the sentence. As such, it needs to be set off from the rest of the sentence. "Day by day, fewer" is the correct answer choice.
Example Question #1422 : Psat Writing Skills
When researching employment opportunities college students frequently become overly focused on one potential job.
employment opportunities college students,
employment, opportunities college students
employment opportunities college students
employment opportunities, college students
employment opportunities college, students
employment opportunities, college students
The phrase "when researching employment opportunites" operates in the sentence as an introductory conditional phrase, giving a necessary "if" to the sentence. Such a clause needs to be appropriately set apart from the rest of the sentence; therefore, "employment opportunities, college students" is the correct answer choice.
Example Question #724 : Act English
Everyday people wander into dangerous areas of the city, and do not appear the next day.
Everyday, person
Everyday people
Everyday persons
Everyday, people
Every day people
Everyday, people
The word "everyday" in the sentence acts as a conditional phrase, indicating how often people do what is described in the sentence. Such a phrase, must be set off by a comma from the rest of the sentence. Therefore, "Everyday, people" is the correct answer choice.
Example Question #363 : Punctuation Errors
Lately families have begun moving back to the city's core and sparking a revitalization of downtown businesses.
Late, families
Lately, family's
Lately families
Lately family's
Lately, families
Lately, families
The underlined portion of the sentence contains a slight punctuation error. Speciifically, the word "Lately" is used as an introductory phrase, explaining the condition under which the action takes place, and such clauses need to be set off by a comma from the rest of the sentence. "Lately, families" is the correct answer.
Example Question #364 : Punctuation Errors
On this date an unspeakable evil befell the world, changing the way people thought forever.
On this date an unspeakable evil
On this date unspeakable evil
On that date an unspeakable evil
On this date, an unspeakable evil
On this date the unspeakable evil
On this date, an unspeakable evil
The phrase "On this date" is an introductory clause, describing when the action of the sentence took place. An introductory clause must be set apart from the rest of the sentence by a comma. Therefore, "On this date, an unspeakable evil" is the correct answer choice.
Example Question #365 : Punctuation Errors
Unfamiliar to most listeners the band was highly influential among its most devoted fans.
Unfamiliar, to most, listeners the band
Unfamiliar to most listeners the band
Unfamiliar to most listeners, the band
Unfamiliar, to most listeners the band
Unfamiliar to most, listeners of the band
Unfamiliar to most listeners, the band
The phrase "Unfamiliar to most listeners" is used in this sentence as an introductory phrase, something that explains the actions of the rest of the sentence. All such sentences must be set apart from the rest of the sentence by a comma. "Unfamiliar to most listeners, the band" is the correct answer.
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