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Example Questions
Example Question #366 : Punctuation Errors
Working on a new book the author refused to answer any press questions about his previous novels.
Working, on a new book, the author
Working on a new book for the author
Working on a new book, the author
Working on a new book the author
Working, on a new book the author
Working on a new book, the author
The phrase "Working on a new book" is an introductory phrase that explains the condition upon the action of the sentence. All such phrases must be separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma. "Working on a new book, the author" is the correct answer choice.
Example Question #367 : Punctuation Errors
Unquestionably the most difficult thing in professional sports is hitting a baseball.
Unquestionably, the most difficult thing,
Unquestionably the most difficult, thing
Unquestionably the most difficult thing,
Unquestionably, the most difficult thing
Unquestionably the most difficult thing
Unquestionably, the most difficult thing
The word "unquestionably" is used in this sentence as an introductory phrase, giving a condition for the rest of the sentence (namely that the statement can not be questioned). An introductory phrase must always be set apart from the rest of the sentence by a comma. "Unquestionably, the most difficult thing" is therefore the correct answer choice.
Example Question #368 : Punctuation Errors
More than anyone else he had encountered the preacher was convinced of the rightness of his cause.
More than anyone else he had encountered, the preacher was convinced of the rightness of his cause.
More than anyone else he had encountered the preacher was convinced, of the rightness of his cause.
More than anyone else he encountered the preacher was convinced of the rightness of his cause.
More than anyone else, he had encountered the preacher was convinced of the rightness of his cause.
More than anyone else he had encountered the preacher was convinced of the rightness of his cause.
More than anyone else he had encountered, the preacher was convinced of the rightness of his cause.
The phrase "More than anyone else he had encountered" is an introductory clause, a clause that conditions the information provided in the main body of the sentence. All such clauses need to be set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma, making "More than anyone else he had encountered, the preacher was convinced of the rightness of his cause."
Example Question #251 : Comma Errors
Each year thousands of animals contract the rare virus despite vaccination efforts.
Each year a thousand animals
Each year, thousands of animals
Every year thousands of animals
Each year thousands of animals
Each year thousands of animals'
Each year, thousands of animals
The phrase "Each year" in the sentence is an introductory phrase, a phrase that conditions the main part of the sentence but is not a necessary part of its structure. All introductory phrases must be set apart by a comma. As this is the only issue with the sentence as it is written, the correct answer choice is "Each year, thousands of animals."
Example Question #1701 : Improving Sentences
Under great stress the president of the company was forced to take a leave of absence.
Under great stress, the president, of the company
Under great stress, the president of the company
Under, great stress the president of the company
Under great stress the president of the company
Under great stress the company's president
Under great stress, the president of the company
The phrase "Under great stress" is an introductory phrase, one that conditions the meaning of the sentence but is separate from the main sentence structure. All such phrases need to be set apart from the rest of the sentence by a comma. The only answer choice to appropriately do this is "Under great stress, the president of the company."
Example Question #52 : Correcting Punctuation Errors: Commas For Introductory Or Interrupting Phrases
Incidentally the boy was never at the site of the crime he was accused of committing.
Incidentally the boy was never at the site of the crime he was accusing to be committing.
Incidentally the boy was never at a site of crime he was accused of committing.
Incidentally, the boy was never at the site of the crime he was accused of committing.
Incidentally the boy never being at the site of the crime he was accused of committing.
Incidentally the boy was never at the site of the crime he was accused of committing.
Incidentally, the boy was never at the site of the crime he was accused of committing.
The issue with the sentence is that its single word introductory clause, "Incidentally," is not appropriately set off from the rest of the sentence with a comma. The only answer choice that does that is "Incidentally, the boy was never at the site of the crime he was accused of committing." All other answer choices are grammatically incorrect.
Example Question #1711 : Improving Sentences
Unlike his classmates the boy preferred staying in and reading books.
Unlike his classmates' the boy
Unlike his classmates, the boy
Unlike his classmates the boy
Unlike, his classmates, the boy
Unlike, his classmates the boy
Unlike his classmates, the boy
The phrase "Unlike his classmates" functions as an introductory phrase, one that conditions the meaning of the rest of the sentence. All introductory phrases must be set apart from the rest of the sentence by a comma; therefore, "Unlike his classmates, the boy" is the correct answer choice.
Example Question #52 : Correcting Punctuation Errors: Commas For Introductory Or Interrupting Phrases
Keeping his promises the father took his sons to the store on the way home.
Keeping his promises the father
Keeping, his promises the father
Keeping his promises, the father
Keeping his promises that father
Keeping his promises a father
Keeping his promises, the father
The phrase "Keeping his promises" is an introductory phrase that conditions the action of the sentence, but is not crucial to the structure of the sentence. All such phrases need to be set apart by a comma from the main portion of the sentence. The only answer choice that does this is "Keeping his promises, the father," which is the correct answer.
Example Question #81 : Correcting Punctuation Errors
Per the guidelines everyone at the meeting was allowed to speak uninterrupted for five minutes.
Per, the guidelines everyone
Per the guidelines, everyone
Per the guidelines everybody
Per the guidelines everyone
Per the guidelines for everyone
Per the guidelines, everyone
The phrase "Per the guidelines" is an introductory phrase, a clause that conditions the meaning of the sentence, but is not part of the construction of the sentence. All such clauses must be separated by a comma from the rest of the sentence, making "Per the guidelines, everyone" the correct answer choice.
Example Question #1712 : Improving Sentences
More than most singers her life story has always been read into her song lyrics by fans.
More, than most singers, her life story has always been read into her song lyrics by fans.
More than most singers her life story has always been read into her song lyrics, by fans.
More than most singers, her life story has always been read into her song lyrics by fans.
More than most singers her life story has always been read into her song lyrics by fans.
More than most singers her life story has always been read, into her song lyrics by fans.
More than most singers, her life story has always been read into her song lyrics by fans.
The phrase "More than most singers" is an introductory phrase that explains the conditions of the sentence's body. All introductory phrases need to be set off by a comma, and no other spots in the sentence need a comma. "More than most singers her life story has always been read into her song lyrics by fans," is the correct answer choice.
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