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Free PSAT Writing Diagnostic Tests
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Are you getting ready to take the PSAT/NMSQT and are not sure what sorts of questions you can expect to find on the Writing Skills section? Many students encounter this exact same difficulty and let it delay or misfocus their studying for this section. Indeed, while “Writing Skills” may suggest that you should prepare yourself to write an essay, there is no essay component of the PSAT. So, what kinds of questions are asked on this section? Let’s find out.
The first type of question featured on the PSAT’s Writing Skills section is Identifying Sentence Errors. Of the section’s thirty-nine questions, fourteen are Identifying Sentence Errors questions. The aim of this question type is to find the error contained in a sentence that has four parts underlined. These four parts are associated with answer choices A–D. If you can identify an error in one of these underlined sections, that is the answer choice you want to pick. A fifth option is also provided: “No error.” Not all of the given sentences contain errors, and if you think the sentence is grammatically correct as written, you should pick the “No error” option. To study for this section, you should brush up on your knowledge of grammar, but as if you’re going to be expected to spout grammatical rules or make corrections to sentences. That’s the trick to this section—you don’t actually have to know what to do to correct a sentence’s error; you just have to be able to pick out one as being an error.
The second type of question that appears on the PSAT’s Writing Skills section is Improving Sentences. About 20 of the section’s 38 questions are of this type. This is the type of question that does ask you to correct an error, but on the plus side, it doesn’t make you look for the error—only one part of the given sentence is underlined, and each of the answer choices provide a different way to rewrite the underlined part of the sentence. It’s good to be aware that there is an option equivalent to the “No error” option found in Identifying Sentence Error questions; one of the answer choices simply replicates the given part of the sentence, exactly as it is written in the question. Pick this one if the sentence is correct as written; it won’t be identified as being any different from the other answer choices, though, so read carefully!
The final kind of question that the PSAT’s Writing Skills section includes is Improving Paragraphs. While only five of the section’s thirty-eight questions are of this type, this can be the most challenging type of question for many test takers, because it asks you to apply your ability to pick the best rewrite of a certain bit of prose, just like the Improving Sentences questions, but instead of focusing on part of a sentence, it works at a larger scale, on the level of paragraphs that are provided with the questions. Don’t worry, though—you won’t be expected to rewrite an entire paragraph! You also won’t be asked to interpret the information the paragraph provides; that’s what the PSAT’s Reading Comprehension section asks you to do. Rather, Improving Paragraphs questions will ask you about pinpointed revisions to paragraphs, such as where a specific sentence might be inserted in or omitted from the paragraph at hand. So, when tackling these types of questions, make sure to take your time so that you can get a good sense of how the paragraph is constructed; skimming the first sentence is highly unlikely to give you enough information to answer the question correctly.
Now that you know about each type of question you will encounter on the PSAT’s Writing Skills section, could you use some great free resources to help you study for the section? Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools website offers free PSAT/NMSQT Writing Skills Practice Tests that can help you master each kind of problem you’ll encounter on the exam! Taking a Practice Test is like taking a twelve-question quiz consisting of problems like the questions formatted like the ones you’ll be asked on the real PSAT/NMSQT. Full explanations are provided for each problem, so if you miss a question, you can figure out what sort of mistake you made and where in your reasoning you made it. Also, if you realize that you need to focus on practicing just one type of Writing Skills problem, you can do that too! Varsity Tutors’ Practice Test problems are organized by concept as well as in Practice Tests that draw from categories comprehensively, so you can study exactly what you need to study when it’s most convenient for you.
To get a better idea of which skills you need to review, begin by taking a Full-Length PSAT Writing Skills Practice Test to help you get an overview of your current knowledge level. The fact that these tests simulate the actual exam can help you learn to modulate your test-taking speed so you can work to ensure you’ll have enough time to finish the real test. The results pages for the full-length tests offer all of the useful feedback provided by the concept-specific practice tests, including extensive explanations and links that provide concept-specific practice. The results of the complete practice tests can also help you refine your PSAT study plan by revealing which topics need some review. Once you’ve had the opportunity to review, you can gauge your progress by taking another Full-Length PSAT Writing Skills Practice Test.
By familiarizing yourself with the three types of PSAT Writing Skills problems before test day, you’ll be able to focus not on the details of how each question is asked, but instead on figuring out the correct answer!
Free PSAT Writing Practice Tests
Practice Tests by Concept
Graphics practice test
psat_writing-graphicsGraph interpretation practice test
psat_writing-graph-interpretationTable interpretation practice test
psat_writing-table-interpretationIdentifying sentence errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-sentence-errorsIdentifying other errors or no error practice test
psat_writing-identifying-other-errors-or-no-errorIdentifying no error questions practice test
psat_writing-identifying-no-error-questionsIdentifying other errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-other-errorsModifiers practice test
psat_writing-modifiersIdentifying phrase, clause, and sentence errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-phrase-clause-and-sentence-errorsIdentifying appositive and interrupting phrase errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-appositive-and-interrupting-phrase-errorsIdentifying appositive errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-appositive-errorsIdentifying interrupting phrase errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-interrupting-phrase-errorsIdentifying conjunction errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-conjunction-errorsIdentifying correlative conjunction errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-correlative-conjunction-errorsIdentifying other conjunction errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-other-conjunction-errorsIdentifying subordinate conjunction errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-subordinate-conjunction-errorsIdentifying modifier placement errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-modifier-placement-errorsIdentifying dangling modifier errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-dangling-modifier-errorsIdentifying misplaced or interrupting modifier errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-misplaced-or-interrupting-modifier-errorsIdentifying other phrase, clause, and sentence errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-other-phrase-clause-and-sentence-errorsIdentifying ambiguity and redundancy errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-ambiguity-and-redundancy-errorsIdentifying other phrase, clause, and sentence errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-other-phrase-clause-and-sentence-errorsIdentifying parallel structure errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-parallel-structure-errorsIdentifying sentence fragment and sentence combination errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-sentence-fragment-and-sentence-combination-errorsIdentifying punctuation errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-punctuation-errorsIdentifying punctuation errors: commas practice test
psat_writing-identifying-punctuation-errors-commasIdentifying punctuation errors: comma splices practice test
psat_writing-identifying-punctuation-errors-comma-splicesIdentifying punctuation errors: commas for dependent clauses practice test
psat_writing-identifying-punctuation-errors-commas-for-dependent-clausesIdentifying punctuation errors: commas for introductory or interrupting phrases practice test
psat_writing-identifying-punctuation-errors-commas-for-introductory-or-interrupting-phrasesIdentifying punctuation errors: commas in lists practice test
psat_writing-identifying-punctuation-errors-commas-in-listsIdentifying punctuation errors: other commas practice test
psat_writing-identifying-punctuation-errors-other-commasIdentifying punctuation errors: other punctuation practice test
psat_writing-identifying-punctuation-errors-other-punctuationIdentifying apostrophe errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-apostrophe-errorsIdentifying other punctuation errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-other-punctuation-errorsIdentifying quotation mark errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-quotation-mark-errorsIdentifying semicolon errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-semicolon-errorsIdentifying word usage errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-word-usage-errorsIdentifying agreement errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-agreement-errorsIdentifying modifier-word modified agreement errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-modifier-word-modified-agreement-errorsIdentifying noun-noun agreement errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-noun-noun-agreement-errorsIdentifying pronoun-antecedent agreement errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-pronoun-antecedent-agreement-errorsIdentifying subject-verb agreement errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-subject-verb-agreement-errorsIdentifying usage errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-usage-errorsIdentifying adjective and adverb errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-adjective-and-adverb-errorsIdentifying comparative and superlative errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-comparative-and-superlative-errorsIdentifying other adjective and adverb errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-other-adjective-and-adverb-errorsIdentifying other usage errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-other-usage-errorsIdentifying conventional and idiomatic usage errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-conventional-and-idiomatic-usage-errorsIdentifying errors involving commonly confused words practice test
psat_writing-identifying-errors-involving-commonly-confused-wordsIdentifying preposition errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-preposition-errorsIdentifying pronoun errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-pronoun-errorsIdentifying pronoun errors: ambiguity practice test
psat_writing-identifying-pronoun-errors-ambiguityIdentifying pronoun errors: case practice test
psat_writing-identifying-pronoun-errors-caseIdentifying pronoun errors: inconsistent usage practice test
psat_writing-identifying-pronoun-errors-inconsistent-usageIdentifying pronoun errors: incorrect usage practice test
psat_writing-identifying-pronoun-errors-incorrect-usageIdentifying verb errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-verb-errorsIdentifying other verb usage errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-other-verb-usage-errorsIdentifying verb mood errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-verb-mood-errorsIdentifying verb tense errors practice test
psat_writing-identifying-verb-tense-errorsImproving paragraphs practice test
psat_writing-improving-paragraphsAnalyzing, combining, and moving content practice test
psat_writing-analyzing-combining-and-moving-contentAnalyzing content practice test
psat_writing-analyzing-contentIdentifying sentence relationships practice test
psat_writing-identifying-sentence-relationshipsSeparating, combining, or moving sentences practice test
psat_writing-separating-combining-or-moving-sentencesCombining sentences practice test
psat_writing-combining-sentencesMoving sentences practice test
psat_writing-moving-sentencesSeparating sentences practice test
psat_writing-separating-sentencesImproving and correcting sentences practice test
psat_writing-improving-and-correcting-sentencesRewriting a sentence fragment practice test
psat_writing-rewriting-a-sentence-fragmentRevising introductions and transitions in a sentence fragment practice test
psat_writing-revising-introductions-and-transitions-in-a-sentence-fragmentRewriting a single word practice test
psat_writing-rewriting-a-single-wordRevising word choice, style, and tone practice test
psat_writing-revising-word-choice-style-and-toneInserting or deleting content practice test
psat_writing-inserting-or-deleting-contentDeleting content practice test
psat_writing-deleting-contentInserting content practice test
psat_writing-inserting-contentImproving sentences practice test
psat_writing-improving-sentencesCorrecting other errors and recognizing no errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-other-errors-and-recognizing-no-errorsRecognizing sentences that contain no errors practice test
psat_writing-recognizing-sentences-that-contain-no-errorsCorrecting phrase, clause, and sentence errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-phrase-clause-and-sentence-errorsCorrecting appositive and interrupting phrase errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-appositive-and-interrupting-phrase-errorsCorrecting appositive errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-appositive-errorsCorrecting interrupting phrase errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-interrupting-phrase-errorsCorrecting conjunction errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-conjunction-errorsCorrecting correlative conjunction errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-correlative-conjunction-errorsCorrecting other conjunction errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-other-conjunction-errorsCorrecting subordinating conjunction errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-subordinating-conjunction-errorsCorrecting modifier placement errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-modifier-placement-errorsCorrecting ambiguous modifier errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-ambiguous-modifier-errorsCorrecting dangling modifier errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-dangling-modifier-errorsCorrecting misplaced or interrupting modifier errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-misplaced-or-interrupting-modifier-errorsCorrecting other phrase, clause, and sentence errors practice test
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psat_writing-correcting-ambiguity-and-redundancy-errorsCorrecting other phrase, clause, and sentence errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-other-phrase-clause-and-sentence-errorsCorrecting parallel structure errors practice test
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psat_writing-correcting-punctuation-errorsCorrecting punctuation errors: commas practice test
psat_writing-correcting-punctuation-errors-commasCorrecting punctuation errors: comma splices practice test
psat_writing-correcting-punctuation-errors-comma-splicesCorrecting punctuation errors: commas for dependent clauses practice test
psat_writing-correcting-punctuation-errors-commas-for-dependent-clausesCorrecting punctuation errors: commas for introductory or interrupting phrases practice test
psat_writing-correcting-punctuation-errors-commas-for-introductory-or-interrupting-phrasesCorrecting punctuation errors: commas in lists practice test
psat_writing-correcting-punctuation-errors-commas-in-listsCorrecting punctuation errors: other commas practice test
psat_writing-correcting-punctuation-errors-other-commasCorrecting punctuation errors: other punctuation practice test
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psat_writing-correcting-other-adjective-and-adverb-errorsCorrecting other usage errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-other-usage-errorsCorrecting conventional and idiomatic usage errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-conventional-and-idiomatic-usage-errorsCorrecting errors involving commonly confused words practice test
psat_writing-correcting-errors-involving-commonly-confused-wordsCorrecting preposition errors practice test
psat_writing-correcting-preposition-errorsCorrecting pronoun errors practice test
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psat_writing-correcting-pronoun-errors-ambiguityCorrecting pronoun errors: case practice test
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