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Example Questions
Example Question #371 : Correcting Grammatical Errors
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The entire staff, long time veterans of the company was surprised by their CEO's sudden resignation.
The entire staff, long time veterans of the company, was surprised by their CEO's sudden resignation.
The entire staff long time veterans of the company was surprised by their CEO's sudden resignation.
The entire staff, long time veterans of the company were surprised by their CEO's sudden resignation.
The entire staff, long time veterans of the company was surprised by their CEO's sudden resignation.
The entire staff, long time veterans of the company, were surprised by their CEO's sudden resignation.
The entire staff, long time veterans of the company, was surprised by their CEO's sudden resignation.
The phrase "long time veterans of the company" is an interrupting phrase, one that adds information to the sentence but remains outside of its main structure. An interrupting phrase must be set apart from the rest of the sentence by commas. The only answer choice that correctly sets apart the phrase is "The entire staff, long time veterans of the company, was surprised by their CEO's sudden resignation.
Example Question #61 : Correcting Punctuation Errors
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The older children, having seen the event before were not as excited as the little kids.
The older children having seen the event before were not
The older children, having seen, the event before were not
The older children having seen the event before, were not
The older children, having seen the event before were not
The older children, having seen the event before, were not
The older children, having seen the event before, were not
The phrase "having seen the event before" is an interrupting phrase, one that adds information to the sentence, but sits outside the sentence's main structure. Any interrupting phrase needs to be set apart from the rest of the sentence by commas. "The older children, having seen the event before, were not" is the only answer choice that correctly sets the phrase off with commas.
Example Question #372 : Correcting Grammatical Errors
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The musician, capable of playing a dozen instruments needed a larger than normal space for all of his gear.
The musician capable of playing a dozen instruments, needed
The musician, capable of playing a dozen instruments needed
The musician, capable of playing a dozen instruments, needed
The musician capable of playing a dozen instruments needed
The musician, capable of playing, a dozen instruments needed
The musician, capable of playing a dozen instruments, needed
The phrase "capable of playing a dozen instruments" is an interrupting phrase, one that adds extra information to a sentence, but sits outside the main structure of the sentence. Any interrupting phrase must be set apart from the rest of the sentence by commas. "The musician, capable of playing a dozen instruments, needed" is the only answer choice that correctly sets off the interrupting phrase.
Example Question #31 : Correcting Punctuation Errors: Commas For Introductory Or Interrupting Phrases
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The contractor, a strong and powerful man was able to lift two bags of cement mix at once.
The contractor, a strong and powerful man was able to lift, two bags of cement mix at once.
The contractor, a strong and powerful man was able, to lift two bags of cement mix at once.
The contractor, a strong and powerful man, was able to lift two bags of cement mix at once.
The contractor a strong and powerful man was able to lift two bags of cement mix at once.
The contractor, a strong and powerful man was able to lift two bags of cement mix at once.
The contractor, a strong and powerful man, was able to lift two bags of cement mix at once.
The phrase "a strong and powerful man" is an appositive, a type of interrupting phrase that adds extra information to the sentence, but remains outside the main structure of the sentence. Any interrupting phrase must be set apart by commas from the rest of the sentence, making the correct answer choice "The contractor, a strong and powerful man, was able to lift two bags of cement mix at once."
Example Question #3861 : Sat Writing
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The new coach a staunch disciplinarian made the team work harder than they ever had.
The new coach a staunch disciplinarian, made the team work harder than they ever had.
The new, coach a staunch disciplinarian made the team work harder than they ever had.
The new coach, a staunch disciplinarian, made the team work harder than they ever had.
The new coach, a staunch disciplinarian made the team work harder than they ever had.
The new coach a staunch disciplinarian made the team work harder than they ever had.
The new coach, a staunch disciplinarian, made the team work harder than they ever had.
The phrase "a staunch disciplinarian" is an interrupting phrase, one that adds extra information to the sentence, but remains outside the main structure of the sentence. An interrupting phrase needs to be set apart from the rest of the sentence by commas. The only answer choice that properly sets apart the interrupting phrase is "The new coach, a staunch disciplinarian, made the team work harder than they ever had."
Example Question #3862 : Sat Writing
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The vagrant's father a well respected lawyer was as different from the man as could be imagined.
father a well respected lawyer was
father a well respected lawyer, was
father a well respected, lawyer was
father, a well respected lawyer was
father, a well respected lawyer, was
father, a well respected lawyer, was
The phrase "a well respected lawyer" is an interrupting phrase, one that adds information to a sentence but remains apart from its main structure. Any interrupting phrase must be set apart from the rest of the sentence by commas. The only answer choice to correctly do this is "father, a well respected lawyer, was."
Example Question #371 : Correcting Grammatical Errors
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
Heartbreak a favorite topic of songwriters, is a prevalent theme throughout the album.
Heartbreak, a favorite topic of songwriters,
Heartbreak the favorite topic of songwriters,
Heartbreak as a favorite topic of songwriters,
Heartbreak a favorite topic of songwriters,
Heartbreak a favorite topic of songwriters
Heartbreak, a favorite topic of songwriters,
The phrase "a favorite topic of songwriters" is an interrupting phrase, a phrase that provides information but is not essential to the structure of the sentence. All interrupting phrases need to be set apart by commas; therefore, "Heartbreak, a favorite topic of songwriters," is the correct answer choice.
Example Question #61 : Correcting Punctuation Errors
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The actor unlike his colleagues, never performed until he was invited to be in the film.
The actor unlike his colleagues never performed
The actor unlike his colleagues, never performed
The actor, unlike his colleagues never performed
The actor, unlike his colleagues, never performed
The actor unlike his colleagues never performs
The actor, unlike his colleagues, never performed
The phrase "unlike his colleagues" is an interrupting phrase, a phrase that provides information in the sentence, but is not a element key to its structure. All such phrases need to be set apart by commas; therefore, "The actor, unlike his colleagues, never performed" is the correct answer choice.
Example Question #33 : Correcting Punctuation Errors: Commas For Introductory Or Interrupting Phrases
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.
The newspaper a radical journal often sought to foment rebellion.
The newspaper a radical journal, often sought to foment rebellion.
The newspaper, a radical journal often sought to foment rebellion.
The newspaper being a radical journal often sought to foment rebellion.
The newspaper a radical journal often sought to foment rebellion.
The newspaper, a radical journal, often sought to foment rebellion.
The newspaper, a radical journal, often sought to foment rebellion.
The phrase "a radical journal" is an appositive. It provides extra information in the sentence by renaming the noun "the newspaper," but remains apart from the sentence's structure. An appositive always needs to be set apart by commas when the removal of the its information would not change the meaning of the sentence. The only answer choice that does this is "The newspaper, a radical journal, often sought to foment rebellion."
Example Question #1422 : Psat Writing Skills
Replace the underlined portion with the answer choice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English. One of the answer choices reproduces the underlined portion as it is written in the sentence.
School placement a highly controversial issue has been a hotly debated topic in legislatures, school boards, and parent groups.
School placement a highly controversial issue, has been
School placement a highly controversial issue having been
School placement, a highly controversial issue, has been
School placement, a highly controversial issue has been
School placement a highly controversial issue has been
School placement, a highly controversial issue, has been
The phrase "a highly controversial issue" is an interrupting phrase, or one that provides extra information while remaining apart from the structure of the sentence. That is, "a highly controversial issue" could be removed from the sentence and the sentence would still make sense. Interrupting phrases that don't provide necessary information need to be set apart from the rest of the sentence by commas. "School placement, a highly controversial issue, has been" is the only answer choice that does this, so it is the correct answer choice.
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