Certified Tutor
Audio Engineer & Music Producer for 15+ years, working in both live sound and studio settings. Electrical Engineer for 7 years, which has given me the ability to communicate complex topics in simple, understandable terms.
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Undergraduate Degree: Austin Community College District - Associate in Science, Engineering, General
Undergraduate Degree: Texas Tech University - Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering
Mental health research, neuroscience, TTRPGs, ancient history from an engineering perspective, and who knows what else this month. There's always something new.
- Art
- Audio Engineering
- Beatbox
- College Application Essays
- Creative Writing
- English
- English Grammar and Syntax
- Guitar
- High School English
- High School Reading
- High School Writing
- Improvisation
- Middle School Writing
- Music Recording
- Other
- Performing Arts
- Presentation Skills
- Pro Tools Software
- Productivity
- Public Speaking
- Puzzles and Brainteasers
- Rapping
- Reading
- Science
- Singing
- Songwriting
- Statics
- Technical Writing
- Vocal Training
- Voice
- Writing