Certified Tutor
I have been tutoring for more than five years, beginning by mentoring high-school kids in public speaking, research, and debate. Teaching is a big passion of mine and I've had experience working not just as a high-school tutor but as a kindergarten and pre-K teacher.
In my opinion, a good tutor needs not only to be knowledgeable, but sensitive to the ways that every student learns differently. I am prepared to work with my students, at their own pace, to ensure that they aren't just completing the work, but fully understanding and internalizing the material.
Other than tutoring, I enjoy going to school (I'm about to get my bachelors in history from Reed college), reading, writing, swimming, and making music.
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Undergraduate Degree: Reed College - Bachelor of Fine Arts, History
- SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1500
Swimming, reading, writing, music
- Adult Literacy
- American Literature
- College Application Essays
- College Level American Literature
- College Political Science
- English
- Essay Editing
- High School Level American Literature
- High School Writing
- Music Recording
- Other
- Political Science
- Public Speaking
- SAT Writing and Language
- Social Sciences
- Test Prep
- Writing