Certified Tutor
Hi, my name is Parmie Dean. I am an experienced teacher in Math, Social Sciences, and Art with a degree in Psychology and Studio Art. In my teaching experience I have found that it is imperative for students to get extra support outside of the classroom. I have provided that support since a young age. Whether it be tutoring students or becoming an academic advisor, I know what it takes to bring the best out of students and boost them to the next level. By choosing me to tutor your student, you choose adaptability, experience, and excellence.
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Undergraduate Degree: Mary Baldwin College - Bachelor in Arts, Psychology
Karaoke Fishing Playing sports Printmaking Dancing Video Games Binging Anime
- Art
- Business
- Chess
- Clinical Psychology
- CogAT Prep
- College Math
- Digital Media
- Elementary School Math
- Executive Functioning
- Fine Arts
- GED Prep
- GED Math
- Graphic Design
- Learning Differences
- Management
- Microsoft Office
- Middle School Math
- Other
- Productivity
- Psychologies
- Psychology
- Social Sciences
- Technology and Coding
- Test Prep
- Visual Arts