Certified Tutor
To personalize the learning experience to better connect with the student. I am a graduate of UTD, UTA and Dallas College. During my time in university, my performance improved due to being asked and assessed for learning style. Something new to me, but greatly appreciate. This has also improved my ability to teach and relay information to the student.
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Education & Certification
Undergraduate Degree: The University of Texas at Arlington - Bachelor of Science, Nursing (RN)
Camping Hiking
Tutoring Subjects
- ANCC - American Nurses Credentialing Center
- ANCC - Family Nurse Practitioner Certification (FNP)
- HESI - Health Education Systems Incorporated Prep
- Medicine
- NCLEX-Registed Nurse
- Nursing
- Professional Certifications
- TEAS Prep
- Test Prep
Call us today to connect with a tutor like Cynthia
0203 322 9665