Certified Tutor
Hello, I am Dr. Elizabeth Jean, ABD. I am enthused and excited about helping others advance and excel in their personal and professional life. As a former educator of Art, English, reading, writing, and a college professor for developmental reading and writing students I have had many exceptional experiences. Additionally, I have been a principal of public, private, and schools specifically for special needs students only. I have created and lead, girls mentoring and cultural enrichment programs and scored tests for Pearson and ETS (educational testing companies). I have mentored, supervised, and evaluated new teachers in NJ charter schools to assist in filling the workforce with more educators who are enthused and will sustain this noble profession. All of these experiences have shaped my lifelong love for helping others to succeed. Feel free to contact me to ask questions or schedule a tutoring session. I look forward to working with you on your journey to excellence!!
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Undergraduate Degree: Alabama State University - Bachelor of Science, Art Teacher Education
Graduate Degree: Seton Hall University - Masters in Education, Educational Administration
Reading, writing, gardening,art,crafting,flea-marketing
- Adult Literacy
- African-American History
- American Literature
- Art
- Ceramics
- College Application Essays
- College English
- College Level American Literature
- Creative Writing
- Drawing
- Elementary Reading and Phonics Class
- Elementary School
- Elementary School Reading
- Elementary School Writing
- English
- Essay Editing
- High School English
- High School Level American Literature
- High School Writing
- Kindergarten Readiness
- Late Elementary Reading Comprehension
- Middle School Reading
- Middle School Reading Comprehension
- Middle School Writing
- Other
- PRAXIS Core Reading
- PRAXIS Core Writing
- PRAXIS English
- Pre-Reading Super Skills Class
- Professional Certifications
- Public Speaking
- Reading Fundamentals: Phonics and Decoding
- Robust Reading Class
- SAT Subject Test in Literature
- SAT Subject Test in World History
- SAT Subject Tests Prep
- Sculpture
- Short Story Fairytales
- Social Studies
- Spelling Bee
- Study Skills
- Study Skills and Organization
- Test Prep
- Visual Arts
- Writing