Certified Tutor
Learning is a human constant. People are always learning. The question of most concern is "What?" What are people learning?
As a teacher, I have heard parents, counselors, and even other students say, "He is a genius at what interests him" or "She is brilliant when she likes what she's doing," and I always think, "Of course...." EVERYBODY is on task when they enjoy the task. EVERYBODY wants to spend their time engaged in immediate gratification. EVERYBODY puts their greatest effort into that which matters most to them.
The problem is that most people do not know what they need to learn. The people who know what others need to learn are the ones who came before and made the rules. Whether we call it “mandatory schooling” or “job training” or “life lessons,” make no mistake: people made and make the rules.
Most teachers likely would prefer to work with students who enjoy learning for learning’s sake, but it’s more realistic to hope for students who recognize that learning is happening regardless of their attention and have decided to take control of its direction.
I have taught high school English for eight years and college courses for six. I am a stickler for research, organization, and credible sources. I expect a minimum of Standard English knowledge: No text-speak, lack of capitalization, or spelling errors.
What are people learning? What they decide to learn. Make the decision to open your mind.
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Undergraduate Degree: University of Mary Washington - Bachelors, English Education
Graduate Degree: Shenandoah University - Masters, Education
Writing, Dancing, Baking, Other Dimensions, Thought Forms, Crafts
- American Literature
- College Application Essays
- College English
- College Level American Literature
- English Grammar and Syntax
- Essay Editing
- High School English
- High School Level American Literature
- Psychology
- SAT Reading
- SAT Writing and Language
- Social Sciences
- Test Prep