Certified Tutor
I love math and what I love even more is working with students to help them understand the language of math. Problem solving and critical thinking are paramount life skills and math is a great way to learn them!
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Undergraduate Degree: Framingham State University - Bachelors, Interdisciplinary Education
Graduate Degree: Lesley University - Masters, Mathematics in Education
Traveling, nutrition, wellness, cooking, horseback riding, triathlons, hiking, skiing, rock climbing, games
- Algebra
- Elementary Math
- Elementary School Math
- Geometry
- Homework Support
- HSPT Math
- HSPT Quantitative
- Math
- Middle School Math
- Other
- PARCC Prep
- Pre-Algebra
- Study Skills
- Study Skills and Organization
- Summer
- Test Prep
What is your teaching philosophy?
I always teach the student that is in front of me that day.
What might you do in a typical first session with a student?
I like to get to know how a student thinks, specifically how a student thinks through the problem solving process. So, we will solve problems and I will ask prompting questions.
How can you help a student become an independent learner?
I facilitate the problem-solving process by prompting the student with questions. The student learns to be more independent when they can start asking themselves those questions before I have the chance to!
How would you help a student stay motivated?
Keep it interesting!
If a student has difficulty learning a skill or concept, what would you do?
I would take a few steps back in the content to build back up to the original question. I would also make sure the student has a chance to ask more questions and gain full clarity.
What strategies have you found to be most successful when you start to work with a student?
Getting to know each other and how the other thinks!
What techniques would you use to be sure that a student understands the material?
I would ask a variety of questions and have the student explain the journey to their answer.