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Bachelor of Science, Nursing (RN)
Master of Science, Nursing (RN)
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Recent Tutoring Session Notes

1. Wrote entire homily for Speech class. He paralleled some gospel story to the story of King Arthur. Only the hard copy is due the next day but the student doesn't have speech class (he has Spanish instead) that day.
2. Brought a green folder with brads and pockets. Supervised while the student made the dividers and then checked his Lit binder for all rough drafts that were supposed to be in there.
3. Study pack, Social Studies (most of it was done - he had left only a page's worth of the more reading-intensive work to do).
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Today the student and I started with Chemistry and ended with Algebra 2. We did a 2 page worksheet on writing empirical formulas of compounds given a percent composition of the elements present. We then went on to work on his math assignment for the weekend, looking at the transformation of functions when multiplied by a coefficient or translated up/down or right/left. The student understood all of this very well and did many problems on his own. Overall a great session with much improvement and understanding.
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Present indicative of ar, er and ir verbs. Practiced examples and usages of the present tense. Reviewed some key regular verbs and ended by looking at some irregular verbs' yo construction. (pongo, conozco, doy)
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We worked through a new review worksheet that the student was given by her teacher. We didn't have time to finish all of it, but we worked steadily and the student seems to have learned a lot. I think she is getting rotational physics pretty well.
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Went over an assignment (24 questions) including some pure math problems (quadratic equations, derivatives) and some applied finance and economics problems. Taught the student a couple of formulas and concepts, and reviewed one or two as well, including: present/future value, average/total cost, revenue and profit evaluation.
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I had her work a logic game section while I timed, we then went over it together. We also went over several other games, and a Logical Reasoning section.
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