Certified Tutor
Teaching/Tutoring is not easy but if you are passionate on helping the children on the subjects that they are having a hard time, it is satisfying that you are helping them grow and learn more. One thing that I also love during tutoring is I am also learning about different characters and how to handle children in a different manner. I've been in the teaching/tutoring for almost seven years. I've finished Bachelor of Education in Architecture in Technological University of the Philippines and some courses in Education. I worked in a school in the Philippines as a high school Mathematics teacher for a year and after that I've decided to work in a tutorial centre whilst I'm getting some courses in Education. After a year, I've got an opportunity to work in a Christian school as a teacher in Louth, England. Between those times, I'm travelling around our area to do some tutorials in my student's houses. I love teaching and at first, I didn't expect that I will end up teaching and set aside Architecture field. I'm applying now all the Mathematics that I learned in University that I went to. I love Mathematics and my favourite is Algebra. I love using different tools to help my student learn the techniques easier especially the young ones.
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