Geyner Andres
Certified Tutor
There was nothing I wanted more when I was a boy than to own an Xbox. We could not afford these
kinds of things, so I salvaged pieces from broken consoles and assembled my own Xbox one summer.
Admittedly, it did not resemble an Xbox but it worked. Growing up in a single-parent household, I
learned to be resourceful early on. After my mother remarried, things got better financially. I did not have
to give up my birthday money to make rent anymore. Still, this time presented different challenges as my
stepfather struggled with a drug & alcohol addiction. I learned to keep myself busy, mostly burying my
nose in Harry Potter books or fixing old Japanese cars with my uncle. By the time I was in high school, I
could take an engine apart and reassemble it with new internal components. My propensity to understand
complex machinery piqued my interest in engineering, which I was encouraged to pursue. Yet, fate led
me to take a pathophysiology course in high school that would introduce me to the most complex
machine of all: the human body.
My decision to study medicine after high school was a choice that would evolve greatly over time. After
all, no one in my family had gone to college or pursued a graduate-level education. I had a natural
curiosity for science & the arts, but it had not exactly translated into a direction quite yet. It was not until
I spent 6-weeks at Duke School of Medicine's Pre-Medical Program that I found my calling. The mentors
I met at Duke had heart. They operated on a source of fuel previously unbeknownst to me purpose.
Working alongside them, I experienced the long hours and learned about the brave sacrifices they had
made along the way. One thing was always clear: there was no other place in the world that they would
rather be. From this point on, I simply felt lucky. I stopped caring about how many years I would be in
school or how difficult the journey would be. I understood the privilege and responsibility of being
entrusted with a life and found fulfillment in the day-to-day journey.
Reflecting on my time in medical school; I thought about how deeply I enjoyed clinical problem-solving
how I did not want it to change. I loved waking up early to greet my patients and chat with them about
what I had read the night before. I did not mind walking across the hospital to deliver a pair of crutches or
bring a bathroom scale from home so my patient could monitor their fluid status after discharge. I also
understood the challenges. Inpatient medicine is spontaneous, and spontaneity demands sacrifice. The
lists of demands are endless, and therefore, every internist will have to sacrifice certain aspects of
themselves for their patient. Yet, when I sacrificed, I experienced more, learned more, was taught more,
and developed better judgment.
Early in Medical School, I came across an opportunity to participate in a research project that needed a
fluent Spanish speaker. It was an excellent opportunity to learn how to design & conduct a quality study
from scratch. Our aim was to identify patients at high risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after
being hospitalized with traumatic injuries. I worked with two other students, who would later become
some of my closest friends. That summer, we took turns covering the inpatient unit 24/7. I learned how to
carry out a protocol, organize and interpret data sets, carry out a quality literature review, and prepare a
proper manuscript. I also learned how to have difficult conversations with patients given the nature of our
study. Early on, we began to identify patients who suffered from severe PTSD and were able to arrange
specialized care for them. It was so gratifying to see our work directly impact patient care. This example
illustrates the agenda I bring to your program and how I understand the value of evidence-based research.
As an internal medicine resident, I want to further develop my ability to function as a patient-centered
physician. At the same time, I want to be prepared to represent my patients at the table when decisions
are being made about healthcare resources. Having pursued a dual MD/MBA degree, I value
opportunities to apply that knowledge toward improving hospital management & healthcare delivery
systems. Furthermore, my vision of servant leadership encompasses diverse settings where I can continue
to work with underserved communities. Practicing at a teaching institution would also allow me to
continue the research activities and medical education that I enjoy. Altogether, I seek a program that
values the same tenacity I had to build my own Xbox, the curiosity to always find joy in learning, and the
heart it takes to give patients our best even on the worst days.
Connect with a tutor like Geyner Andres
Undergraduate Degree: St. Mary's University - Bachelor of Science, Biology, General
- Classic American/Japanese Automotive Restoration - Classical Piano - Rock Climbing /Bouldering - Powerlifting / CrossFit - Cooking | Favorite dish: Beef Wellington