Certified Tutor
"Practice is not about perfection - practice is about making skills permanent" - Dr. Anthony J. Maiello
Dr. Maiello's statement is my overall mantra about teaching. I have a strong desire to help students achieve strong instrumental music skills. Many of my past teachers have instilled in me the desire to give back to my students what they gave me - great skills and along the way a lifelong desire to play. Even though I have retired from public school teaching after 37 years my love of playing has not. I have played many low grass instruments for over 50 years in a variety of school, collegiate, community and professional groups. I have mentored students to achieve participation in County, District, Regional, All State and All East Honor Groups. I wish to continue to help students achieve confidence in their playing and the satisfaction that comes along with producing great music.
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Undergraduate Degree: Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus - Bachelor of Science, Music Teacher Education
Camping Jazz Music - Big Band Concert Band Music Marching Band
- Bass Trombone
- French Horn
- Music
- Music Theory
- Trombone