Certified Tutor
Hello. My name is Mrs. Brenda Caine, but my students call me Ms. Brenda. When you learn something new, it can be challenging at times. If you say to yourself that this is an opportunity for me to grow, then you shall. I believe that staying positive can help you achieve much in this life. A quote by Frederick Douglass says it all: "Without struggle, there can be no progress". With this in mind, you can do anything you set your mind to, and with me as your tutor, we can do it!
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Undergraduate Degree: Liberty University - Bachelor of Science, Counseling Psychology
Graduate Degree: Liberty University - Master of Science, Human Services
My interest and hobbies are teaching, singing and dancing, reading, and viewing good plays and a good movie. Also, in my spare time, I like to help the disable and the elderly.
- Elementary School
- Elementary School Reading
- English
- Executive Functioning
- High School English
- Learning Differences
- Middle School Reading
- Middle School Reading Comprehension
- Other
- Philosophical Ethics
- Psychologies
- Psychology
- Reading
- Religion
- Social Sciences
- Theology