Certified Tutor
I have always loved teaching, especially one-on-one. In fact, the entire time I was in school I was torn between becoming a teacher and becoming a Registered Dietitian.
I was at the top of my class all the way through my bachelors and masters degrees. This is because I was very studious. As a result, I often helped other students who were struggling.
This is why I was truly excited when I learned about Varsity Tutors.
I absolutely love helping students succeed.
I love the challenge of getting to know my students and helping them recognize their own unique way of learning.
I have collected various resources crucial to helping dietetic students fill in the knowledge gaps so they can perform better on the extremely difficult RD Exam.
Connect with a tutor like Deborah
Undergraduate Degree: California State University-San Bernardino - Bachelor of Science, Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies
Graduate Degree: Loma Linda University - Master in Public Health, Nutrition Sciences
Teaching, Reading, Working Out, Learning about Different Cultures, Creating Printable Education Materials (Pre-K-12) to sell and give away.
- American Council on Exercise (ACE)
- CDR - Commission on Dietetic Registration
- Professional Certifications
- RD - Registered Dietician Exam