Certified Tutor
It will take me to the highest of joy to share my knowledge with others who actually are very interested in learning. Since I have been tutoring for 5 years now, this platform will be a means for me to share my huge teaching experience with others whose daily quest for knowledge is limitless.
From my daily experience in American classrooms, my tutoring sessions with numerous kids let alone their parents appreciations, I daresay my students aren't struggling anymore with many of their subjects and are classroom leaders finally. This platform will allow both Tutor and tutored to share lot of knowledge in a way not only very proficient but also independent. I will be very happy to meet people through this platform and to unwrap the French language in all its dimensions, see the English language by and large, deal with African, African-American literature with very detailed explanations. I do believe that I can, through online courses, bring a very great participation to this worldwide Knowledge Building.
"Education is a great engine of personal development, it's through education than the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, the son of a mine worker can become head of the mine, the child of a farmer can become even president of a great nation" said late Nelson Mandela. I do believe in his words hoping this platform will help us to reach that goal.
Last but not least, "the early birds catch the worms."
Connect with a tutor like Thierno
Undergraduate Degree: Cheikh Anta Diop University - Bachelor in Arts, African American Studies
Graduate Degree: Cheikh Anta Diop university - Current Grad Student, African American Studies
soccer, reading, listening music, Movies
- ACCUPLACER Arithmetic
- ACCUPLACER Language Use
- ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension
- Adult ESL/ELL
- African History
- African-American History
- AP French Language and Culture
- British Literature
- C
- CLEP Prep
- CLEP French
- CLEP Humanities
- CLEP Social Sciences and History
- Conversational French
- Drum
- Elementary School
- Elementary School Math
- Elementary School Science
- Elementary School Writing
- English
- English Grammar and Syntax
- French
- French 1
- French 2
- French 3
- French 4
- French Horn
- Hand Drums
- IB World Religions
- Languages
- Math
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Word
- Middle School
- Middle School Reading
- Middle School Science
- Middle School Writing
- Music
- Other
- Productivity
- SAT Subject Test in French with Listening
- SAT Subject Tests Prep
- Science
- Social Sciences
- Social Studies
- Study Skills
- Study Skills and Organization
- Technology and Coding
- Test Prep
- World Literature
- World Religions