Certified Tutor
I love school. I have a BS degree in Elementary Education from the University of MO, St. Louis. I have a MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching) from Webster University. Then, I went back to UMSL for my EdS (Education Specialist) degree. So, I'm certified to teach elementary 1-8, Social Studies 5-8, and Gifted K-12. I loved taking the classes and I love helping others to master the classes.
When my children were still at home, I had a day care center in a portion of my home, taking care of special needs children there. After I finished my degree(s), I taught elementary school in a regular classroom, then taught gifted classes to third through eighth graders, taught remedial reading, and then moved up to a position in the central office as a curriculum supervisor.
I'm very experienced in helping students with organization skills and building their confidence.
My favorite activities in my free-time are sewing, quilting, reading, hiking, biking, and traveling. Last winter I visited Cabos San Lucas in Mexico and in the fall, I went north to Alaska. Both trips were AWESOME!!
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Undergraduate Degree: University of Missouri-St Louis - Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education
Graduate Degree: University of Missouri-St Louis - Unknown, Education Administration
State Certified Teacher
Quilting, Reading, Walking in the woods, Travel
- College English
- College Level American History
- Elementary Math
- Elementary School Math
- English
- English Grammar and Syntax
- High School English
- High School Level American History
- History
- MAP Prep
- Math
- Middle School Math
- Phonics
- Reading
- Social Studies
- Test Prep
- Writing