Frequently Asked Questions
Varsity Tutors Live Online Classes
Question not addressed below?
For additional assistance with our live online classes, please log into your account on our website,, click "Account" in the upper-right corner, then click "Account Home." This will take you to your client dashboard. At the bottom right-hand corner of your dashboard, you'll see an option to live chat with our customer support team. If you are unable to log in to your account, you can connect with one of our representatives through text message at (888) 888-5181.
Types of Classes and Tutoring
Are the large group classes really free?
Yes! All of our large-format group classes are 100% free to you. These are a great opportunity for your student to have enriched learning opportunities while they are at home.
Are smaller group classes available?
Yes! We also offer smaller group classes for those looking for a more personalized learning experience. These more small-group options are available for purchase on our website. You can register for the free large-group course options today without choosing to purchase any paid enrichment options.
Is it possible to request individual instruction for my student?
Yes! We specialize in online tutoring that provides 1:1 academic support and enrichment. If you're interested in learning more about 1:1 tutoring for your student, please call us at (888) 888-5181 or request a call at to discuss options with one of our educational consultants.
Browsing Available Classes
How do I see available classes?
You can see our catalog of available classes at On that page, you can filter by a variety of criteria to help you find the perfect classes for your student to attend.
At what times are classes held?
Each class has its own meeting time and frequency. When you browse available classes at, you can see the scheduled meeting days and times for each class along with its start dates and end dates by clicking on the "See class details" link.
How long is each class session?
The length of each class session will be displayed on the page from which you register for the class. Session lengths vary based on the age of the students and the content being covered. You can find classes with sessions as short as 30 minutes, or as long as 240 minutes per session.
Do different classes overlap with each other?
Our classes are scheduled independently, so some might overlap. We would recommend that you first register for the class options that you are most interested in attending, and then add any additional classes around the days and times afterward to ensure there is no overlap in your student’s schedule.
What subjects do classes cover?
Our curriculum is expansive. You will find a variety of topics from academic material through enrichment content. All of our classes are designed to help your student(s) have enriched learning while they are learning from home. You can view available classes at to choose the classes that are the best fit for your family.
How often do you add more classes?
We add classes as often as we can! We will continue to add classes to our website as we move through the school year.
Registering for Classes
How do I register for a class?
You can register for any of our classes at When you go to our website, you’ll be able to choose the classes or camps that make the most sense for each of your students and register them there.
If you have an existing client account with Varsity Tutors, you can sign in as you register. If this is your first time working with us, you will set up an account as part of registering for your first class. You can use a single client account to register multiple different students.
Can I sign up for a class that has already started?
For students to get the full experience of a class, we recommend registering before the first session and attending each one; however, you can enroll in any of our open classes at any time and take advantage of live learning even if some sessions for that class have already been held.
I saw a class I wanted to register for, but the option to enroll in it disappeared. What happened?
That particular class reached its student limit. Once a particular class reaches its student limit, we stop accepting new enrollments for it and remove the option to enroll in it from our website. Sometimes multiple sections of a class are available; if so, if one particular section fills up, the rest remain open for enrollment until reaching their student limits.
What confirmation do I get after I sign up for a class?
After you sign up for one of our classes, you will be sent an email with the dates and times of each of the class's sessions. The class will also appear on your client dashboard, which you can view by logging in to our website at, then clicking "Account" in the upper-right corner, then "Account Home" from the dropdown menu.
Where can I view the classes I've signed up for?
By signing in at, you can view your client dashboard. This dashboard will show a list of all of the classes you have signed up for, and the student(s) you've signed up for each one.
How do I unenroll from a class?
If you decide a class isn't for you, you can log in to our website at, click the "Account" menu in the upper-right corner, then click the "Account Home" option from the dropdown. On your client dashboard, you'll have the opportunity to unenroll from any of our classes using the "Unenroll" button shown beneath the class on the dashboard.
Can a student attend more than one class?
They sure can! You are welcome to register your student for any classes that you want through our website.
Can I register multiple students for classes?
Yes, you can enroll as many students as you want for classes. Once you have registered one student, you can register another one by selecting the class, clicking “Enroll Now”, and adding another student at the bottom of the Student Enrollment section. You can specify the same email address or a different one, depending on where you want that student’s class reminders to go.
Attending Classes
How do I join each session? When will I receive the link for each session?
In order to attend a class, you first need to register for it. After you have registered, you can log in to your client dashboard at to see a list of all of the classes and camps you're registered to attend. 30 minutes prior to each session, a link to join that session will be shown near the top of the page.
In addition, a reminder email that includes the join link is sent 2 hours before the start of each free class session or 24 hours before any small group (purchased) class session.
What is Zoom? How do I use Zoom?
Zoom is a virtual meeting platform that works like a classroom. You will log into a specific Zoom link for each class that you attend. When you log in, you’ll be able to see the instructor and any content they are using for that session. You will also have access to a chat where you can ask questions and communicate with the instructor.
Using a mobile device to access classes requires you to download the Zoom app.
Zoom is asking for a password. What do I do?
Passwords are embedded in class links. You will need to click or tap the link on the device your student wants to use, and it should take you right in.
If you are still prompted for a password, you can find it in the email you receive two hours before each class session. It is also shown on your client dashboard before each session.
I'm having technical issues using Zoom. What troubleshooting steps can I try?
Make sure you have the current version of Zoom, and make sure the operating system of the device on which you're using Zoom is up-to-date. Then, try restarting Zoom. If that does not resolve your technical issue, try restarting your device. You can find more help on Zoom's website at
If you need more technical assistance attending our classes and camps, please log into your account on our website,, then clicking "Account," then "Account Home" in the dropdown menu in the upper-right corner. This will take you to your client dashboard. At the bottom right-hand corner of your dashboard, you'll see an option to live chat with our customer support team. If you are unable to log in to your account, you can connect with one of our representatives through text message at (888) 888-5181.
What do I do if I miss a session? Are session recordings available?
Attendance is optional for all classes. You are welcome to join us for every class, or only the ones that you are available for. We currently do not provide recordings of any of our classes. This allows us to protect the privacy of all students enrolled.
If you miss a class, you can simply join the next one to catch up and continue learning. We currently do not offer make-up sessions. If an instructor needs to cancel a class for any reason, we also do not offer make-up sessions for free classes.
Participation and Interactivity
Are these classes taught live?
Yes! All of our classes are live with our instructors for each session.
How do I know what materials I need?
Some of our classes recommend that students gather materials before each session to enable them to fully participate in the session's activities. In addition, some instructors may ask that you have materials ready for their classes. If that is the case, this information will be either emailed out by the instructor or provided on the first day of class. (Varsity Tutors customer support is unable to provide this information.) If the instructor asks that you have materials, and you do not have any, you can still join in the class and observe.
Is there homework?
No, right now, there is not specific homework that a student has to complete between classes. Our instructors might give your student some practice work between sessions so that they can continue to learn when they are not in classes, but they do not have any work that they will have to turn in for traditional homework.
How many students are in these classes?
Class size is dependent on enrollment. We currently do not allow our large-format classes to exceed 5000 students; we allow many students to attend these classes to provide enriched learning for all students that need it while they are not in school. We do not limit the number of students who can enroll in our celebrity StarCourses. Each class has an instructor, as well as a moderator who can answer questions via the chat tool and support all students in the room.
Varsity Tutors also provides small group classes for both academic and enrichment subjects. These classes typically have an average of twelve students. Classes are kept small so that students can interact with each other and the instructor for a more immersive and engaging experience. If you're interested in a particular small group class, we recommend that you register as soon as you're able to, because seats for these fill up quickly!
Can students ask questions during class sessions?
They sure can! Each class has an instructor, as well as a moderator that can answer questions via the chat tool and support all students in the classroom.
Are the classes appropriate for multiple age ranges?
Some classes might be appropriate for children of different ages. On our website, you can filter our list of classes by age group to help determine which classes are best suited for your student.
How should my student participate in the classroom?
Each class is unique and has different levels of participation both in the chat function and also speaking up during the class. If your student wants to just observe, participation is not required. We do ask that the students respect others in the class and not talk over the teacher, and also use the chat to only answer questions from the instructor.
How do they manage the behavior/decorum of the classroom online?
Our instructors have experience teaching in group settings and build their curriculum thoughtfully to keep students actively engaged. Varsity Tutors provides each instructor with best practices for large group instruction, inclusive of tips and tricks to managing classroom behaviors. In addition, each class has a moderator who helps to answer questions in the chat and monitors the engagement of the room to make sure there is successful learning for all students.