Certified Tutor
I am a graduate of Ferris State University with a Bachelor's of Science-Nursing. I began my nursing career as a graduate of an Associate's Degree program at my community college. Not only has nursing been a passion for me but education has as well. Early on in my nursing career I fell in love with teaching others. I loved the empowerment students began to feel when they were able to understand difficult concepts. I returned to work as an instructor at the same college I obtained my first degree.
I tutor and instruct students on a variety of subjects related to the nursing field. Concepts such as fundamentals of Biology to complex disease process and how it relates to the body as well as Physical assessments.
I personally feel that we are always students in a constant state of learning. As a nursing instructor, I have learned from my students as much as they have learned from me. I love the mutual relationship built between the instructor and students.
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Undergraduate Degree: Ferris State University - Bachelor of Science, Nursing (RN)
My hobbies include traveling, exploring the outdoors, and learning about our historical past. My passion to help others also manifests in mentoring programs I am a part of.
- Medicine
- NCLEX-PN Prep Course
- NCLEX-Registed Nurse
- Nursing
- Professional Certifications