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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Correcting Other Phrase, Clause, And Sentence Errors
The teacher sought new ways of teaching, believing her students would get more from lessons featuring playing, acting, and creativity.
featuring playing, acting, and creative things.
featuring playing, acting, and creativity.
featuring playing, acting, and creating.
featuring play, act, and creativity.
featuring the playing, acting, and creativity.
featuring playing, acting, and creating.
The underlined portion of the sentence features a list of verbs, but they are not all in a parallel form. All such lists must feature a parallel structure for the verbs listed; therefore, the correct answer is "featuring playing, acting, and creating."
Example Question #2 : Correcting Parallel Structure Errors
Stretching before physical workouts is important to improve flexibility and avoiding injury.
is important to both improve flexibility and also avoid injury.
is important to improve flexibility and in the avoidance of injury.
is important to improve flexibility and being injured less.
are important to improve flexibility and avoiding injury.
is important to improve flexibility and avoid injury.
is important to improve flexibility and avoid injury.
Paralellism: in a list of two or more items in a sentence, each should be worded in the same manner for consistency. One choice changes "is" to "are," which is incorrect because the subject is the singular "stretching," not the plural "workouts," which is part of a prepositional phrase.
Example Question #21 : Correcting Phrase, Clause, And Sentence Errors
Writing an additional sentence for each paragraph you have is easier than the writing of a brand new paragraph altogether.
one's writing of
when one has to write
when you must write
the writing of
It is not a parallel comparison. The comparison should match, and state that writing something is easier than writing something.
Example Question #31 : Phrase, Clause, And Sentence Errors
More than other children, he struggled adapting to middle school both academically and in his social life.
both for academics and in socially.
both academically and socially.
academically and in his social life.
both academcially and in his social life.
academics and in his social life.
both academically and socially.
The two items in the underlined portion are paried together, and as such should have a parallel structure. The only answer choice that has such a structure is "both academically and socially."
Example Question #11 : Correcting Parallel Structure Errors
She loved a number of creative activities as a child, always trying painting, singing, or to dance.
always try to paint, to sing, or to dance.
always painting, singing, or to dance.
always trying painting, singing, or to dance.
always tries painting, singing, or to dance.
always trying to paint, to sing, or to dance.
always trying to paint, to sing, or to dance.
The list in the underlined portion needs a parallel structure in its items, but does not, with "to dance" being different in structure. Of all the answer choices, "always trying to paint, to sing, or to dance" features a correct parallel structure.
Example Question #1 : Correcting Parallel Structure Errors
The entertainer viewed himself as a multifaceted performer who excelled at acting, singing, and an ability to dance.
at acting, singing, and an ability to dance.
at acting, singing, and to dance.
at acting, singing, and dancing.
in acting, singing, and an ability to dance.
at acting, singing, and the ability to dance.
at acting, singing, and dancing.
The list in the underlined portion of the sentence does not feature a parallel structure among the listed items, which makes it confusing and strange. The list needs to have a parallel structure, with all elements featuring the same form. The only answer choice with a parallel structure is "at acting, singing, and dancing."
Example Question #1541 : Correcting Grammatical Errors
Young children need equal time during the day to devote to playing, learning, and to relax.
to playing, learning, and to relax.
to playing, learning, to relax.
to playing, to learning, and to relax.
to play, to learn, and to relax.
to playing, learning, and relax.
to play, to learn, and to relax.
The list of verbs in the underlined portion of the sentence, as in any such list, all need to follow a parallel form. In the sentence as written, they do not have a parallel structure. Of all the answer choices, the only that does have a parallel structure is "to play, to learn, and to relax."
Example Question #21 : Correcting Phrase, Clause, And Sentence Errors
Very few professional athletes are in the top percentile for running, jumping, and the ability to throw.
for running jumping and the ability to throw.
for the abilty in running, jumping, and to throw.
for running jumping and throwing.
for running, jumping, and throwing.
for running, jumping, and the ability to throw.
for running, jumping, and throwing.
The list at the end of the sentence features different verb forms. Any list of such verbs all need to take the same form for a parallel structure; therefore, the correct answer is "for running, jumping, and throwing."
Example Question #71 : Correcting Phrase, Clause, And Sentence Errors
The boys all enjoyed swimming, hiking, and to run on the camp's property.
to swim, to hike, and to run on the camp's property.
swimming, hiking, and to run on the camp's property.
to swimming, to hiking, and to running on the camp's property.
to swim, hiking, and to run on the camp's property.
swimming, to hike, and to run on the camp's property.
to swim, to hike, and to run on the camp's property.
The three activities in the list all need to have a parallel structure, and be grammatically correct, ruling out the answer choice featuring the construction "to running . . ." The best answer choice, therefore, is "to swim, to hike, and to run on the camp's property."
Example Question #41 : Phrase, Clause, And Sentence Errors
The actor's moods would swing wildly, and in the span of five minutes he could want to fight, to sing, and discussing important topics.
to fight, to sing, and to discuss important topics.
to fight, to sing and discussing important topics.
to fight, to sing, and discussing important topics.
to fight to sing and discussing important topics.
to fight, singing, and discussing important topics.
to fight, to sing, and to discuss important topics.
Any list like the one underlined in the sentence must feature a parallel structure in word form. Otherwise, as in the sentence, it compares unlike things such as a "want to fight" and "discussing important topics." The sentence needs to be improved to feature a parallel structure, something only done by the answer choice "to fight, to sing, and to discuss important topics."
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