All ISEE Upper Level Verbal Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #166 : Isee Upper Level (Grades 9 12) Verbal Reasoning
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
I am getting so sick of all the small-minded people in my home town; I need to get out of this ___________ nightmare as soon as possible.
Based on the context of this sentence and the intensity of the speaker's disdain for his hometown the correct answer must reflect the narrow-mindedness of small towns. The correct answer is therefore "provincial" which means concerning the limited worldview of people in certain towns or regions, backwoods, backwater, rural. Additionally, "circumspect" means thoughtful; "luminary" means notable, highly respected; "bestial" means savage, like a beast; "raucous" means boisterous, loud and chaotic. In this case, even if you were not aware of the meaning of the word "provincial" you could tell that none of the answers is particularly close to appropriate, given the connotation.
Example Question #167 : Isee Upper Level (Grades 9 12) Verbal Reasoning
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
In the early 1990s, members of the American government proposed a manned mission to Mars, but this __________ idea was swiftly abandoned when it was revealed that such a mission would cost hundreds of billions of dollars.
The idea of a manned mission to Mars, that costs hundreds of billions of dollars, could probably best be described as "idealistic" and at worst "absurdly unrealistic." Luckily there is a word that captures both of these definitions. The word is "quixotic" which means idealistic, unrealistic, incredibly impractical. Additionally, "baleful" means deadly, threatening, menacing; "mendacious" means deceptive, dishonest; "redolent" means evocative and suggestive, reminding one of a strong sensory experience or memory; "effulgent" means radiant, brilliant, shiny, sparkling.
Example Question #168 : Isee Upper Level (Grades 9 12) Verbal Reasoning
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
He was fired from his job after he made a series of __________ comments at the office party.
In order for the man to have been fired the comments he made must have been offensive in some way. So, the correct answer is "pejorative," which means having a derogatory effect, insulting and disparaging. Additionally, "gauche" means lacking social graces, trite; "abstruse" means hard to understand; "venial" means relatively easily forgiven (particularly of sin); "fallow" means (of soil) left inactive.
Example Question #169 : Isee Upper Level (Grades 9 12) Verbal Reasoning
Fill in the blank:
I __________ Monday mornings; after the relaxation of the weekend, it is simply detestable to go back to work.
From context, it is clear that the answer choice must mean something similar to detest, so the correct answer is “abhor.” To “abhor” means to hate, detest or greatly dislike; “abduct” means kidnap; “vacate” means leave empty or evacuate; "evaluate" means assess the quality of; “preempt” means do something to stop something from happening in the future.
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All ISEE Upper Level Verbal Resources