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Are you struggling in your college chemistry course? Or are you starting this course soon and want to begin reviewing concepts you will have to learn? College chemistry courses can be tough, but studying as much as you can will help you perform to the best of your ability when faced with challenging tests and assignments. If you have a busy schedule, it can be difficult carrying your textbooks and other study materials around with you to squeeze in some studying when you have free time. Thankfully, Varsity Tutors' Learning Tools offers several college chemistry study help activities you can use whenever you have access to a computer, tablet, or even your smartphone. One great Learning Tool that can be handy to use when on-the-go is the set of College Chemistry Flashcards.
These free flashcards can help you squeeze in some important college chemistry review when you only have a few spare minutes to study, such as when you waiting for your next class to start, are on-break at work, or want to squeeze in some studying during commercial breaks when watching a bit of television. The college chemistry study flashcards cover important concepts and information you may be required to learn in your class.
If you are approaching your final exam or just want to get a head start on college chemistry concepts you will be learning before you start class, you can quiz yourself with the full deck of college chemistry flashcards. If you are in the middle of your class and just want to study the chemistry concepts you need to know on your next test or to tackle your next assignment, you can take advantage of one of the smaller subsets of flashcards that are based on a single chemistry concept.
Smaller “concept decks” can be used to focus your studying on atoms and elements, electron configurations, molecules and compounds, reactions, laboratory techniques and analysis, thermodynamics and kinetics, solutions, states of matter & thermochemistry, and many other college chemistry concepts.
Another great Learning Tool you can use to help you study for your college chemistry class on-the-go is the unique flashcards builder. You can use this Learning Tool to create your own chemistry flashcards. To begin using the flashcards creator, all you have to do is click on the “Create Tests & Flashcards” icon. This will pull up the flashcards maker that you can use in many ways.
One option you have is to enter your own questions and answers into the blank flashcards templates. You can enter the questions you answered incorrectly on recent tests, practice-test questions from your textbooks, or questions from any other bulky study materials you want to be able to access without lugging them around with you. Once you create your own flashcards, you can then save them to practice later on your computer, smartphone, or tablet, just like the ready-made cards.
You can also use the flashcards builder to pull just the specific ready-made flashcards you need to study more into a personalized deck. Another option is to mix-it-up and make a deck that contains both your own questions and answers and some ready-made college chemistry flashcards.
College chemistry can be challenging, so study hard to perform your best in your class. Squeezing in quick study sessions whenever you have a few minutes to spare during your busy schedule can be easy when you use the Learning Tools Flashcards!
Certified Tutor
Certified Tutor