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Example Question #1223 : Ap World History
The Bolshevik Red Army possessed each of the following advantages against the opposition White Russians in the Russian Civil War except ___________________.
control of central Russian cities and areas that possessed most of Russia's economic resources
unified political leadership
support from foreign military powers such as Great Britain and Japan
unified ideology
unified military leadership
support from foreign military powers such as Great Britain and Japan
The devastating Russian Civil War (1918-1922) was fought between the Bolsheviks and the various Russian groups which opposed them (known collectively as the White Russians). The Bolsheviks possessed many advantages over their rivals in the war, but one advantage they did not possess was support from any foreign power. The Western powers and Japan hoped to defeat the Bolsheviks because they feared that a Soviet Russia would inspire revolutionary socialist movements in their own countries. The Bolshevik victory in 1922 established the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) as the new government of Russia.
Example Question #11 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution 1900 To Present
Which system of segregation was used in South Africa from 1948 until 1994?
Apartheid was the system of racial segregation used in South African society and was enforced through legislation passed by the National Party (NP) from 1948 until 1994. Minority rule by whites was maintained by this system while rights movements of the majority black population were oppressed. The system was eliminated with multi-racial election in 1994, in which Nelson Mandela came to power with the African National Congress party.
Example Question #12 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution 1900 To Present
The Arab Spring began in which country?
The Arab Spring originated on December 17, 2010 in Tunisia, where widespread protests led to the overthrowing of long-time dictator and President Ben-Ali. From there the revolution spread to Egypt, Yemen, and Algeria before moving across the entirety of North Africa and the Middle East.
Example Question #101 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution
Each of the following was an immediate consequence of the Russian Revolution of 1917 except __________________.
Socialist Revolutionary Party member Alexander Kerensky became Prime Minister of the Provisional Government
The position of Czar was abolished and the State Duma took command of the state under the name Russian Provisional Government
Vladimir I. Lenin returned to Russia from exile with the help of the Germans
Czar Nicholas II abdicated the Russian Throne
Russia made peace with Germany and exited World War I
Russia made peace with Germany and exited World War I
The Russian Revolution of 1917 was caused by widespread anger among among the Russian populace towards the Czarist government due to frustration with the conduct of World War I and mass famine. The Czar abdicated and a Provisional Government under Alexander Kerensky took control of the state. However, the Provisional Government refused to end the war with Germany, which dramatically weakened its popularity and helped to allow the Bolsheviks under Lenin to take control in 1918.
Example Question #11 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution 1900 To Present
Whose assassination brought in the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson?
Kennedy's assassination brought in the presidency of his vice president at the time, Lyndon B. Johnson. Johnson thus held the office prior to being elected; Johnson was elected for the first time in 1964, although he served as president from 1963-8.
Example Question #14 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution 1900 To Present
Which of the following best describes the goals of the Boxer Rebellion in early twentieth century China?
To kill Christian missionaries
To take control of foreign embassies
To start a communist revolution
To reach a trade agreement with the Europeans and Japanese
To drive foreign powers out of China
To drive foreign powers out of China
In the years leading up to the Boxer Rebellion, both European and Japanese powers competed to establish spheres of influence in China, effectively taking control of much of the country's economy. The Boxers, or the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists, primarily wanted these foreign powers out. They did kill missionaries and take over embassies as well, but both of those tactics were seen as means to an end. The Boxer Rebellion should not be confused with Mao Zedong's communist takeover of China after World War II.
Example Question #15 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution 1900 To Present
Mussolini rose to power in Italy with promises of __________.
restoring the state religion and decolonization
restoring the state religion and territorial expansion
economic growth and territorial expansion
restoring civil liberties and territorial expansion
restoring civil liberties and economic growth
economic growth and territorial expansion
Mussolini came to power in Italy in 1922 as head of the Fascist Party and elected leader of the Italian government. Italy, at the time, was suffering from extreme economic hardship. Mussolini promised rapid economic growth and Italian territorial expansion. In 1925 Mussolini declared himself dictator for life.
Example Question #108 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution
Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa were instrumental in __________.
the growth of Mexican industry in the second half of the twentieth century
the growth of communism in Cuba and the emergence of Fidel Castro
the Mexican Revolution and the establishment of the Mexican Republic
the Mexican independence movement and the decline of the Spanish Empire
the Cuban independence movement and the decline of the Spanish Empire
the Mexican Revolution and the establishment of the Mexican Republic
Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa were both instrumental in the Mexican Revolution and the subsequent establishment of the Mexican Republic. Villa led the revolutionaries in northern Mexico, whereas Zapata led peasant rebellions in southern Mexico. Together they are more responsible than any other revolutionaries for the successes of the Mexican Revolution.
Example Question #16 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution 1900 To Present
Public opinion turned against the Vietnam War during the Presidency of __________.
Richard Nixon
John F. Kennedy
Lyndon B. Johnson
Jimmy Carter
Dwight Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Throughout much of the 1960s public opinion of the Vietnam War was fairly evenly split, but it began to turn against the war in the late 1960s and this was compounded by the election of President Nixon. Within a year of Nixon’s election less than a third of the population was in support of the Vietnam War.
Example Question #17 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution 1900 To Present
Mustafa Kemal headed a nationalist movement that led to the creation of __________.
British Mandate Palestine
the Egyptian Republic
the Turkish Republic
the European Union
the Iranian Republic
the Turkish Republic
Mustafa Kemal led the Turkish independent movement following the destruction of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War Two. He is credited with founding the Turkish Republic and he served as the first President of Turkey. His time in power is marked by a series of modernizing reforms, including universal public education and the elevation of the status of women.
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