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Example Questions
Example Question #121 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution
Ayatollah Khomeini came to power __________.
during the Yom-Kippur War
after the first Gulf War
after the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
during the Iranian Revolution
after the British withdrew from the Middle East
during the Iranian Revolution
The Iranian Revolution took place in 1979. The revolution witnessed the deposing of the ruling Shah of Iran (the leader of Iran’s pro-western monarchy) and his replacement with the Ayatollah Khomeini. Khomeini was elected Supreme Leader of an authoritarian and theocratic government. The Iranian Revolution is unusual in that it took place in a country enjoying relative peace and prosperity and was extremely sudden (at least from a western perspective).
Example Question #31 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution 1900 To Present
Which of these best describes the reforms made by Deng Xiaoping during his time as leader of communist China?
Substantial economic and political reforms
Substantial economic reforms; minimal political reforms
Limited economic and political reforms
Extreme reforms in all areas of society
Limited economic reforms; substantial political reforms
Substantial economic reforms; minimal political reforms
Deng Xiaoping took over as leader of the Chinese Communist Party in 1978. He immediately enacted several reforms, including the final repeal of the last tenets of the Cultural Revolution. In general, the reforms made by Deng Xiaoping can be summarized as: substantial economic reforms, minimal political reforms. Under Deng, Chinese markets became more open and communism was applied less rigidly. However, political freedoms hardly improved at all.
Example Question #122 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution
The People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan _______________.
took control of the country following the removal of British forces after World War Two
gained power with the support of the Soviet Union
gained power with the support of Pakistan
took control of the country following the downfall of the Taliban
gained power with the support of the United States
gained power with the support of the Soviet Union
The People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan was the primary socialist party in Afghanistan from 1965 until the early 1990s. It gained power with support of the Soviet Union and ruled over the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan from 1978 to 1987.
Example Question #123 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution
Which of the following is NOT a cause of the Mexican Revolution?
Discontent of farmers with agricultural policies
Suppression of political opposition
Peasant support for Zapata and Villa
The slow pace of industrialization
Failure to find a solution to the problem of presidential succession
The slow pace of industrialization
Porfirio Diaz was president of Mexico from 1876-1911. He was extremely successful at industrializing Mexico, developing infrastructure, and attracting foreign investment. However, opposition was violently suppressed. By the election of 1910, he was old enough that the problem of presidential succession came to the fore. Diaz had controlled the previous seven elections (which he had won), but in 1910 Fransisco Madero challenged him and campaigned vigorously against him. To ensure that Madero lost, Diaz had him arrested just before the election. When the news of the fixed election emerged, a group of Madero supporters took up arms against him. Madero proved quite inept, and armed groups, including those led by Zapata and Villa, emerged.
Example Question #1251 : Ap World History
Which of the following was NOT a result of the Mexican Revolution?
Universal suffrage
Nationalization of industry
Increased foreign investment
Improved education
A new constitution
Increased foreign investment
In 1917, Mexico adopted a new constitution that reformed prior issues of inequitable land distribution and increased rights of workers and women, including universal suffrage. However, the increased nationalist sentiment meant that the government took control of industries that had been built under the Diaz regime and discouraged foreign investment.
Example Question #1252 : Ap World History
Which of the following accurately describes the reign of Reza Khan in Iran?
Militarism and industrialization
Modernization and westernization
Modernization and Islamization
Expansion and industrialization
Nationalism and militarism
Modernization and westernization
In 1923, Reza Shah was selected as the Prime Minister of Iran by the National Assembly, becoming the first democratically elected monarch in the country’s history. He established a constitutional monarchy that lasted until the Revolution of 1979. He established a secular state and instituted many reforms to bring Iran in line with the western world, including infrastructure building, modern education, industrialization, public health, and loosening restrictions on women.
Example Question #127 : Political Protest, Reforms, And Revolution
A revolution in which country in 1979 overthrew the regime of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi?
Saudi Arabia
The Iranian Revolution occurred in 1979. The regime of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was overthrown and replaced by an Islamic regime led by Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
Example Question #1253 : Ap World History
The Iranian Revolution brought which leader to power?
Mohammad Mosaddegh
Ali Hosseini Khamenei
Ruhollah Khomeini
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Ruhollah Khomeini
In 1979 the Iranian Revolution overthrew Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi and Ruhollah Khomeini came into power. He ruled Iran as the Supreme Leader until his death in 1989 when Ali Khamenei took the position.
Example Question #1254 : Ap World History
Which of these is not an example of the policies made in Iran and Turkey in an attempt to modernize after World War I?
Reinforcing laws based on the writings of Mohammed
Encouraging industrial expansion
Requiring Western dress
Creating state-run schools
Replacing Islamic law with Secular law
Replacing Islamic law with Secular law
After the First World War President Ataturk of Turkey and the Shah of Iran laid out aggressive policies for the modernization of their two nations. These policies moved away from the religiously governed law codes, and enforced western culture, business, and legal practices.
Example Question #1255 : Ap World History
The starting goal of the May Fourth movement was ____________________.
the renewal of the Qing dynasty
the subjugation of Japan and Korea to China
the creation of a liberal democracy in China along Western lines
the removal of all Western cultural influences from China
communist insurrection
the creation of a liberal democracy in China along Western lines
The May Fourth Movement was an anti-imperialist political movement that began in China in the late 1910s. By that time, the Qing dynasty had fallen and China was a fragment nation dominated by foreign Western powers. As a result, young intellectual and nationalists in China advocated reform, attacking traditional Confucian ideals and advocating adoption of Western science and democracy.
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